The First Letter

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Dear Lord Baelish,

I must start by addressing my distrust for you my Lord. Pardon my brashness, but I find your behavior odd and peculiar of nature. I believe me and my father may share the same worries regarding your intentions, yet my mother who's judgment i often find clouded, claims you innocent of vile intentions. I dare say I care none for her opinion on a man i've never met.

Despite your apparent belief, I know little of you or who you are. My father scowls at your name are far more telling than a letters sweetened writings.

I have found your behavior over the past eighteen years also incredibly suspicious. I have been led to believe you once were romantically involved with my mother, to be so interested in her marriage and her sole female spawn of age. It is the only possible conclusion I've drawn since you've only shown interest in me, her eldest, to which it is widely known I resemble her greatly.

Although me and my father do not wish to have aid in finding me a suiting betrothal, he has brought to my attention you must have a much wider range of possibilities for I. I detest the notion of marriage but I understand as the eldest girl it is my duty to marry to better my people. The North will always be my priority, not my own pleasure.

There is only one request I have of you Lord Baelish. I beg, do not present me a man who could never accept a woman who dares speak her mind.

I have lived in a world as such, oppressed not only by the mend around me but by my own sex. I dare say I could be brought to kill if left to a life of misery by the hand of such a man.

Also, despite my worries, I still must show my thanks for the many nameday gifts.


Lady Jaleryd Lyanna of House Stark

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