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Jale had been given quarters close to the Queens private chambers and Princess Mrycella. It was arranged by Myrcella's Septa who said it would be good for the Princess to be near a young woman.

Arya sat on the desk of Jales room as she unpacked her belongings, declining the help of handmaids.

"You're stressed." Arya stated, Jale huffing as she fixed her books upon a shelf.

"I know." She rolled her eyes.

"It's because of that man isn't it?"

Arya was right of course. Jale had hoped her suspicion of the man her mother said she could trust was wrong. But now that she had seen, spoke, and felt his touch she couldn't help feeling even more unsettled at the arrangement.

He had loved her mother once, and now he is presented with her daughter at the ripe age of eighteen with her mothers face to go with it.

Her father would never let the man marry her. But Jale knew little of Lord Baelish's character and knew not if he could take no for an answer.

Jale sighed as she sat upon her bed. She looked to Arya.

"Arya, while we are here you are to trust no one except me Sansa and Father. These people are cunning and only care about themselves. Never trust anyone." She warned.

Arya was still naive despite innocence leaving her long ago. She had only ever known the world of Winterfell. Rarely ever meeting strangers. Though Jale had lived the same life she knew of the corruption that lived within the southerners. Her father had warned her himself.

"That includes the King Queen and all their children. No matter how much King Robert loves father, we can depend on no one."

Arya paused. The mention of the Queen causing her to recall the horrible events upon Kings Road.

"Should I apologize to Sansa?"

Arya looked to Era, the abnormally large direwolf sitting on her sisters bed.

"Yes, she's still upset and shaken after what happened. Sansa may repel you and I but we can not leave her alone here."

Arya jumped from her seat and carried herself out the door.

For a few moments Jale was completely alone until a charming voice interrupted her solitude.

"It appears you are as much a mother to your sister as Lady Stark."

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