Mavis had opened that square of blue, and spread it over the sofa and it's pillows. It was a plastic sheeting of sorts; he'd seen something similar when EMT workers had had to work on someone roadside. It was a way for them to work on a clean surface.
Conner went to set her on the plastic, lying down, when Doc stopped him. "No, I need to see the back of her head. Sit her with her feet on the ground. Sit with her, and hold her up."
Holding back another groan that he couldn't step away from her yet, he complied.
Once seated on her right side, he inched away from her, so he could turn his body to face her.
There, distance.
Mavis draped a towel over Angel's shoulders. "I need to clean the area. This is just saline solution, dear. It shouldn't hurt."
Using an applicator bottle with a pointed nozzle, Mavis aimed a soft spray of the salt water onto the already visible bump behind Angel's right ear.
She used a soft-looking rag to wipe away the mess and blood.
She had to refill the solution bottle twice before she was satisfied she'd cleaned the area sufficiently.
As soon as the liquid had first touched her bump, Angel had gasped, squeezed her eyes shut, and gripped the hand that had been on the plastic sheet between them.
He'd winced himself. She had a strong grip.
Conner caught himself stroking the inside of her wrist while Mavis had cleaned the wound. He jerked that hand away, and tucked it under his leg on the seat, mortified that he instinctively wanted to caress her.
He needed to stop touching this woman.
At least, until she was whole and healed.
Then he fully intended to explore this attraction he felt.
Resolved with his decision, Conner did his best to focus on Angel now while Doc poked at the back of her head.
"You're going to need a couple stiches here, sweetheart," he said, leaning over her shoulder.
"No, really, do I have to?" She'd spun around to look at Conner, and asked him the question.
"It's alright, Angel," he chuckled at her almost childlike response.
Her eyes were round, and he could see the tears filling them.
"I don't like needles," she explained. Her bottom lip trembled.
He wanted to hug her again. Instead, he got up, and sat down on the other side of her, and brought her legs up and folded between them, making sure her dress covered everything. He turned to face her, bending his left knee so he could face her fully.
"Here, how's this? Look right at me, hold my hands, and then Doc can work on your cut easily," He raised his eyebrows and smiled gently. She returned it, and nodded. "Okay."
"Alright, a quick pinch," she snatched his hands and squeezed her eyes shut, trying not to bring her shoulder to her ear as Doc injected her.
"Let me know if you start to feel woozy, hon."
"Okay," her voice was so small. Conner concentrated on exuding warmth and comfort, and keeping his gaze friendly.
Angel fixed her eyes on his, and didn't blink for the next minute while Doc worked quickly on the small cut behind her ear.
He smiled.
She dropped her eyes to his lips, and softened her mouth slightly.
Her eyelids drooped a bit. Her shoulders sagged slowly.
"You good?" He asked her. Her hands released their death grip, but remained within his hold. He opened his hands, and let hers rest on his.
"All done!" Doc pronounced. Mavis moved forward with a wipe then taped a bandage over the area.
"Only three needed, so the scar will be very small. I need you to keep the area dry and clean. I can come over tomorrow to change the bandage for you, as I am going to recommend you keep off your feet for the rest of today, and maybe tomorrow, until the headache subsides."
"Mmmhmm," Angel nodded slowly. Conner watched, slightly taken aback when she licked her lips, then winked at him.
Her hands started trailing up and down his exposed forearms. She dragged her fingernails down towards his wrists lightly, sending shivers along his arms and up the back of his neck.
What was happening here?
"Uh, Angel?" He dropped his head to look up into her eyes. She swayed slightly.
"Hi, Sherrrrriff," she purred.
"Oh dear," Doc said with a slight chuckle. "It seems Angel here has a low tolerance for pain medication."
"What do you mean?" Conner looked at the doctor's face. His wife tittered, as she helped him pack up.
"I'd suggest getting her up into her bed. Things are about to get very interesting. You ever seen those videos of people after they had their wisdom teeth removed?"
Conner suddenly understood. Angel was about get a little strange, and he didn't think she wanted any witnesses.
"We'll just let ourselves out. Mavis here has called Michelle Winters to come care for Angel tonight. She's on her way over now," He snapped his bag shut, and met his wife at the door. "I mean it, Sheriff. Carry her upstairs to her room now. She needs rest. I don't think she could handle the steps in her condition, without further injury. We would stay, but we have an appointment with an expectant mother in twenty minutes."
Conner swallowed around the lump in his throat.

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