3 - Angel With A Shotgun (M)

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//t.w: violence, blood//

"Are you alright?"

Yoohan stared bewilderedly at the hulking man who crouched in front of him with piercing pale eyes and a dimpled smile.

When he didn't make any reply, the man took the liberty to grab his chin and moved his face sideways, back and forth. And then his hand was being grabbed and examined (scratch on his palm and elbow) and his legs were being held next.

Yoohan finally reacted then, with a wince and quiet grunt. "Did you get a sprain?" the older man clicked his tongue, face harden and eyes cold.

"What...are you doing here?" Yoohan managed to let out a question only after the man's gloved fingers brushed on his fringe, revealing another scratch. Yoohan barely registered the pain, however, since his focus was solely on Yoon Jay's timely appearance now.

The man smirked. "Rescuing you,"

Well, that was obvious. But why? How?

"Song Hwa," Jay answered Yoohan's unsaid question. And just that single name was enough for Yoohan to understand everything.

Of course, he knew that Little Bird was Song Hwa's man. It didn't quite answer his question about why would Song Hwa tell Jay about his whereabouts, though. Unless—

"You're working for him now?"

"I worked for him," Jay replied with a deep smile, making emphasis on the past tense. "It's up to you whether I will keep working for him or not. Can you stand?" he grabbed Yoohan's arms again and pulled the younger man up.

"What do you—" Yoohan frowned as he tried to stand normally, only for dull pain to travel up his leg and almost make him topple. Thankfully, a sturdy pair of arms was there to support him, holding into his upper arms until Yoohan stabilized. He put his weight on his healthy leg and stared at the other man.

But Jay already let go of him and walked toward the sorry excuse of the truck and half-bent motorcycle, ignoring Yoohan's question with a wave of his hand.

"Later," he said. "Let's take care of this first."

Right. They were still in the middle of a road—or a traffic accident, if anyone passed the path. The one in the passenger seat got blasted by the bike and was still unconscious. But the driver woke up shortly after and had been trying to get out, stumbling down into the road in a wobbly state.

"What have you been doing anyway? Why are you running on the street?" Jay asked while walking casually toward the driver.

"I got the info about the handyman behind my car accident, and went there to pick out some crumbs," Yoohan walked slowly into the guardrail to take a seat, watching the older man as he hesitatingly shared his previous adventure. "Their group planned to move the base the day after tomorrow, and they are going to clean their current base tomorrow. So today is my only chance to take any of their recording transaction and data..."

Yoohan tapped on his lower lips, belatedly realizing how easy it was for him to divulge things to a man on essentially their second meeting only. But while his mind sent him alarm and warning, his heart felt strangely at ease—to be in the presence of someone who knew what was really going on with him.

Was it because he'd been spending the last five years around people he had to be careful with? There was also the fact that he worked for Song Hwa.

"Do you think you'll find anything there?" the man asked, casually stepping on the back of the crawling man. "No, no, you stay here~"

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