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I always say I will make a long chapter but when I reread them there kinda short 🥴 but I hope you enjoy

Also just like to say I've been in the fnaf fandom 5 days after the second game came out and that movie was so good, it was 🔥 10/10 I recommend it


Okay I started writing this a while ago but this one part here is for like nerds nerds, aka matpat. You can skip this bolded section if you want. I want to say yes I am also very sad about him leaving cause he was everything I've been watching him for so long since I was like 3, but I've seen a lot of people hating on him for leaving cause some people don't understand people like YouTubers and celebrities and stuff have a life, he has a wife and a kid and people don't understand that, yes it's sad to see someone we love go, a YouTuber I watch died a few years ago and it's really sad but everyone who goes will stay in our hearts forever. I've also seen him getting slight hate (not that much) for using the old intro people saying "it's outdated" "it sucks" blah blah blah. Some people don't understand that he will be leaving really soon and he wants to make the most of it. And one last thing if anyone is still reading this part, don't hate or make fun of the people who's crying over him, he has saved many people from like killing themselves and even cutting or something many many times, just be kind and offer support he has impacted a lot of people

After everyone woke up they went down to have breakfast

L: 4 years... 4 years of just searching?

U: yeah

M: ... h-how's Sidon by the way?

U: oh he's good... he remembers you and misses you very much though

M: oh...

L: ...

H: I'll be back *gets up and walks to the bathroom*

X: *goes to stand up*

U: *pushes him down* *looks at Revali* so... are you going to ask her out?

R: pardon?

U: please we all know you like her... even link and mipha can probably tell

L: yes

R: ... *blushes a bit* fine I do... but no... I don't think she likes me back and.. her past I don't want to scare her

U: are you kidding? Revali she's totally into you... men are so stupid you all never get hints

L: ... that's fair actually *looks at mipha*

M: yeah... took years and you never actually did get it it was derek and revali and everything that happened that day

U: yep...

H: *walks back out* hiii

U: hi

H: *sits back down next to revali*

R: ... maybe she does... *grabs her hand gently*

H: *blushes hard*

R: *small smile and let's go*

U: what is there to even do around here?

L: a few diners, some shops... so pet shops actually..

M: yeah

U: oh... hey what happened to your horse by the way? We know you left with her but I haven't seen her

M: *signals her not to*

U: *sees* oh no what did I just do?

L: u-umm *sounds saddened* s-she...

M: *rubs his back*

L: a-astron.. *tears fall*

U: I understand... I'm sorry

L: *small sob*

X: pffff... pathetic.. it's just a horse get over her

L: . . . *tears fall faster*


X: what it's a stupid horse...

M: *pulls link into her shoulder and rubs his head*


X: mmm... no

R: you don't know hun you don't know what that horse has done for him shut it

X: no... it's a horse no one cares if it's gone

L: *cry's harder*

U: *grabs Xander by the arm* IF YOU DONT SHUT UP I WILL BREAK IT

X: whatever... *rolls eyes*

U: *rubs links back*

R: *rubs his arm*

L: *crys hard*

U: I'm sorry... I shouldn't have asked

L: no it's f-fine

M: *lifts links head up and kisses him*

L: *kisses back*

Time skip a few hours it's now lunch link is now in a t-shirt cause it's hot

L: *walks to the table*

X: I still don't get it it's a horse

U: link never told us much about his family but we do know that he got the horse from his mother

R: yeah

L: *clears throat*

U: oh hi... er..

L: it's fine.. just please stop the horse conversation

U: okay

L: where's mipha?

U: I think she took hazel to the little pond

L: yeah that makes sense *sits down*

M: *walks in with hazel and sits down*

X: *looks at links arm's disgusted* ... why do you have so many scars?

L: hm? *looks at his arms* oh uh... s-some are from battle...

X: that doesn't answer the question

L: mmmm...

R: *remembers link telling them why the first time they saw his arms so they wouldn't get scared* shut up Xander

Small tw: depression and cutting

X: I'm asking a question *realizes* oh... your depressed and cut don't you

L: mmmm... u-used to *visibly uncomfortable*

X: pfff... figures.. I'm surprised someone loves you with that

Please no one take that personally, I used to cut so don't take that in anyway please you are all loved

L: *as a trama response just freezes*

M: *hugs him* link...

L: *runs hand up his right arm where must his cutting scars are* mmmmm

X: and now your not even talking

L: mmmmmm... I-I.. mmm

X: cat got your tongue? What's wrong with you?


X: why I'm not even talking to you?

M: no but your saying stuff to link

X: and? He's just soft

L: ... mmmm


R: ...

X: whatever...

L: ... *tears falling*

M: I'll be back *walks away with link*

U: yeah you calm him down... *glares at Xander*

Thank you all so much for being patient for me to continue this everything has been hard, I have depression so I'm not motivated much so thank you all so much, I love you guys.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 15 ⏰

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