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Mipha and link were walking around the kingdom hand in hand and talking and laughing with each other

There's going to be a bit of a surprise in this one :3

M: I love you baby

L: I love you to... come here

He gently picked her up bridal style

Mipha gently adjusted to his arms

Link carried her back to the castle and to there bedroom

Mipha started to repeatedly kiss him as he wrapped his arms around her waist and kissed her back

Mipha wrapped her arms around his neck

Link gently deepened the kiss trying not to make her uncomfortable or to take this farther he knew she wasent ready yet

Mipha gently gasped at the deepened kiss

Link felt her mouth open and gently put his tongue in

Mioha just gasped more at that

Yes link is ontop of her just incase you couldn't tell (not that its important but you know)

Link gently pulled away to let her breath

M: *gasps* l-link

L: ya... you okay

M: ya... just wasent expecting that

L: *chuckles* ... did I go to far

M: no dont worry

L: ... *gets off* do you want to go have lunch? At the diner

M: *giggles* ya let's go


???: it's been 4 years we should just give up

???: oh shut up you never say something intelligent

???: can you remind me why we brought both of them

???: no clue

???: we should of bought her but left him

???: agreed

???: shut up you dumb bird

(Probably just gave it away but you know :3)

???: you shut-


U: ...

R: ...

???: you know it's bad when the tiny princess yells at you...

???: shut up daruk

D: I was talking about the princess

???: leave him alone... you've been acting so mean ever since link left and you pulled out the master sword

???: ... shut up

???: ...

U: ... HEY LEAVE HER ALONE... you know she gets sensitive kinda easy...

???: whatever

???: ya leave her alone... I miss when we had a Hylian champion who was actually nice

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