Chapter 5

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Day 7. His last day.

Xyx didn't want to get up. Almost couldn't get up, really. But he had to. He couldn't sit still, or else his thoughts would catch up with him.

He went through the motions of the day: feeding Cat, getting cleaned up and dressed, eating whatever he could manage to stomach. He took a stroll around town with Cat, observing the bustling of the townspeople with little interest as they got ready for the evening festivities. Fabric for banners were being rushed here and there, the slamming of nails to wood to build stalls resounded loudly in the air, and multiple kitchens and cooks were being utilized all throughout the area. He provided a helping hand to those that asked when he passed by. No snark comments, no jokes, just mute assent and a hollow smile. By the time the sun had begun to settle in to make way for the night, everyone was beginning to crowd the streets to enjoy the fruits of their labor. Children were already running around, screaming and giggling at each other with whatever game they were engrossed in.

Xyx blinked, suddenly realizing that he was standing at the beginning of the pier. He took in the sight of the festivities, his muscles a little sore from the free labor that he had provided, and his first real grin appeared on his face. His father had loathed this holiday - in fact, he called it a 'peasant's celebration'. He never allowed any of his family to participate. Of course, Xyx would sneak out when possible, but always enjoyed it from the sidelines and in the shadows so that no one could snitch to his father.

This would have been his first year to actually enjoy the celebration. Or at should have been. But he was no longer planning on going at all. The smile on Xyx's face gradually fell. He could feel the rays of the dying sun on his back. It would soon be dark, and this place would be lit up with soft lights. Xyx could already see the band preparing to set up.

He glanced over to find Cat ready to pounce on someone's unattended catch of fresh fish. "You little gremlin, we'll get you a proper meal. Let's go." He began walking to one of the bars out of instinct. He expected it to be emptier than usual, what with most of the people and visitors already mulling about outside. The perfect time to drink himself under. If he was lucky, he'd pass out long enough until the next day when everyone was ready to leave.

"-tain. CAPTAIN! Damn it, Xyx, hello?!"

Xyx was yanked back by an angry Lady, who was closely followed by a concerned looking Salo.

"You look terrible, Captain." Salo put a comforting hand on Xyx's shoulder. "Didn't get enough sleep?"

The chuckle that escaped Xyx was devoid of feeling. "Unfortunately, no. But I'll be fine."

"No you won't. You look absolutely miserable. Did...something happen?" Lady shot a glance to the bar that was in the general direction of where Xyx had been heading. She already guessed what he was heading off to do.

Xyx sighed. He couldn't do this right now. He didn't have the capacity to deal with their concern. "Everything's fine, just last minute checks and whatnot. You both going to enjoy the festivities?"

Both Salo and Lady exchanged glances with each other. Xyx did this every time. Deflecting, taking on everything on his shoulders. Salo removed a bag that he had been carrying over his shoulder and handed it to Xyx. "I don't know who this mystery lady is, Xyx, but you should go to her.

The bag suddenly felt 2 times heavier. "Wha- Mystery lady-"

"Ugh, could you just...Not play dumb for two seconds?!" interrupted Lady. "It's obvious you care about whoever she is, otherwise you wouldn't have me and June go out of our way to get this." Xyx finally looked down at the bag in astonishment. It was the dress that he had asked for them to get. He had more of less forgotten about it after what happened with SB yesterday.

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