Chapter 3

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The days slipped through Xyx's fingers so quickly, merging together into intangible cycles.

During the day, he would get up and feed Cat, check on the status of the repairs of his ship, and meander around town to listen to gossip and touch base with his crew members. He listened to their little stories and exploits, along with any news they had to report.

It was especially funny to hear about Quest having to intervene in a bar fight - not started, but certainly finished - by Lady and Salo of all people. Even more hilarious was having to hear about June's drunken escapades and her waking up to find a woman nestled comfortably in bed next to her. "I had no idea how I even ended up there! It was so embarrassing!" she groaned, hiding her tomato-colored face in her hands. The entire crew knew that June became very bold and...charismatic when she got drunk, even rivaling Xyx. She still refused to believe it.

But Xyx's evenings were completely taken with the company of Y/n. Each night, she arrived at their secret cove with an armful of what Xyx could only describe as pure junk. Silverware, teacups, picture frames with long faded pictures, pocket watches - endless amounts of stuff lost through time. Each time she dumped her 'treasure trove' of items, she looked so satisfied with her haul, absolutely sure that one of them would impress Xyx as much as it had impressed her. He stifled his laugh every time, and while he explained what they all were and what they were used for, he didn't have the heart to say that her trinkets held little to no value on land. And as compensation, Y/n taught him bits and pieces about her world under the water, from her language to her lifestyle. Xyx had to admit that, despite being glad that he was human, he was as much taken by Y/n's way of life as he was by her.

Occasionally, Y/n would bring him stunning things from her world. Seashells of mesmerizing colors, gems, rocks of different textures and shades. She was completely bored with them since she saw them quite often, but she presented her findings to Xyx anyway in case he found them the least bit interesting. He always pretended to look at them with a critical eye, then shrug and tell Y/n that he might be able to buy a drink with it. Instead, Xyx would always tuck them away in a safe space when he returned to his room.

She even brought him something that looked like a teabag at one point - a purse she had called it - and told Xyx to open it. He was mildly intrigued and was even more shocked to find several pearls in it. Y/n had taken his silent appraisal as proof that she had done well, but only explained that the 'purse' was actually a shark egg sac, after he had touched it. Xyx looked less than pleased when she had innocently stated that he could now brag that he has held a sac. And Xyx made her swear to never say those words out loud again.

Xyx's nightly disappearances didn't go unnoticed either. His crew all speculated - and even placed bets - on the type of person that was holing their captain's attention for several nights in a row. But Xyx merely played off their accusations, and they didn't push him. They respected his privacy and trusted that he would tell them in due time - in pure Xyx fashion - if it was important.

By the fourth night, Xyx and Y/n no longer made binding promises to meet up with each other.

"Just call for me," Y/n said.

"What, like actually yell for you like I'm calling an animal?"

"No dummy." They sat so close to each other now, comfortable in each other's presence, that it was easy for her to reach over and gently flick Xyx's forehead. He rubbed at the spot and sniffled as if it had actually hurt. "Think of me in your mind, and only of me. And then think of my name. I will come at your call."

Xyx stiffened. "Been taking a peak inside my head then?" He prayed the answer was no, but he couldn't help but wonder what that could possibly mean if she said yes. If she really heard all of my thoughts...

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