Chapter 4

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Xyx's morning may have been supremely busy, but for him, the day merely dragged on. All he wanted to do was lay in bed and skip right over into the evening, but today was obviously the day that everyone decided to need something from him.

He met up with his crew over breakfast. They exchanged gossip that they had all gleaned from the locals, and potential leads that would be worth checking out. Upon hearing that Nightowl and Two had blown a good chunk of their extra savings by losing several rounds of Liar's Dice, Xyx provided the solution.

"Sell these off if you can." He tossed a bag to Onion that was filled with some of the valuable trinkets that Y/n had brought him. He wasn't worried about how much Onion would manage to get for the bag's contents. Xyx's crew had quite the reputation for bringing in quality merchandise where ever they went, and even more of a reputation of being able to defend it. Plus, with Onions shrewd and calculating nature, Xyx was sure no one would be able to swindle him.

"...How did you get all of these?" Onion demanded, suspicion filling his narrowed eyes after he took a peek inside. The bag was then passed around to the others, who each took a turn glancing inside before sharing identical awed expressions.

"While you guys were off playing around and getting into bar fights, I was working."

"Yeah, but just look at all of these! Some of them look priceless!" Nightowl plucked out a small pearl out of the bag to admire it in his hand.

"I bet he stole it" Toaster stated munching through an apple.

"Listen, I'm just an honest man who does honest work," was Xyx's innocent reply. "Now tomorrow is our last day. Enjoy tomorrow's festival while you can, because I'll be working you sorry souls to the bone afterwards. We'll be heading out bright and early the morning after, so make sure to wrap up whatever loose ends you have." The crew was dismissed. Everyone left the establishment and began heading to their various duties, except for June and Lady, who Xyx held back.

"I need you both to do me a favor. Could you get me a dress for tomorrow?"

"Haha! I knew it!" June's rather loud exclamation drew the attention of passersby. Lady simply smiled. "So whose the lucky woman?"

"Woman? Oh no, you're sorely mistaken. The dress is for me. I plan on dazzling everyone with my dancing skills tomorrow night."

"So you're not getting hitched?" June asked.

"Shh! Don't say the 'm' word or anything related to it. I'll start breaking out in hives."

Lady groaned. "Why do you never tell us anything!?"

"And what would be the fun in that?" retorted Xyx.

"Alright fine. At least tell us what kind of dress we're looking for," June interjected.

Xyx pondered for a moment. It's not like he had measured Y/n's body beforehand, but he had a rough estimate to go off of. "Do you remember that one woman in Santa Barbara? The crazy one?"

"The one who jumped on top of the bar and flashed everyone, or the one who tried to beat you over the head with a broom?"

"Yes, the broom lady. Get something about her figure. Maybe a little longer in length. And simple, please. Nothing too flashy.

"Ya' know, I still say the broom lady was completely justified," said Lady. June stifled a laugh, but nodded in agreement.

"I'm gonna pretend I didn't hear that and give you both one of these." Xyx placed a small gemstone in each of their hands and closed their fingers around them. "Don't spend them all in one place." He winked before making his way to the next activity that required his attention.

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