Chapter 10

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Jamira's POV:

Memories of yesterday keep flooding my mind the excitement, the thrill, the power and authority I felt keep coming back to me and I remember each and every moment of it. As I started to prepare for school I don't feel like myself. I feel more confident, hyped, and stronger like I can conquer everything. I drove to school with Dani of course cause she fell in love with my car.

As we get off the car I was met with Merin. "Hey Jamira! We can start preparing for the welcoming ceremony this afternoon. You up for it?" I was going to refuse cause dad was going to give me pack strategy lessons but then remembered that Mark was going to be there.

"Suree! What time would it start?" I said while giggling

"Oooh cool meet me at the hall after lunch alright?" Merin said taken aback by my action. I know why she was taken aback I never giggle like ever but somehow thinking bout mark being there always makes me feel happy and all fluttery inside. Especially, now that the moon goddess told me it was never a mistake to be paired with him.

After saying that Merin left and I started to walk towards the school cafeteria. I felt hungry since my body go through so much changes I started to feel hungry always. I bought an apple and requested to have the chef cook me a steak. Which they dare not refuse. Now that I'm the new Alpha what ever I say goes. But I'm not mean. Just when I'm hungry. After about an hour of waiting i was getting impatient but still waited anyways. Then I heard a bell ring and it was my steak I quickly get up thank the chef and take it.

I took one bite of my steak and looks like they did a pretty good job at cooking it I must say. I started wolfing down my steak when I heard a familiar voice that immediately sent butterflies in my stomach. I look around and saw him talking to his friends. For a brief moment we caught each others eyes and everything around us blurred. It's like it was only me and him. We broke off from our daze when one of his friends started waving his hands in front of him.

"Hello? Earth to Mark?" One of his friends said.
"Oh yeah sorry about that." He looked at me and waved I shyly waved back all of his friends looked at me and they all face their backs at me and started whispering to Mark which i heard perks of having enhance senses.

"You like that chick? Men I thought you were loyal to your girlfriend." The dark skinned boy said to him.

"No i don't like her we're just friends and we are in the same class together as well." Mark said I felt my heart ached a little with what I just heard. I wanted to run away but I felt rage as well. Without thinking with my enhance speed i pushed him and his friends and sat at my sit pretending to eat my steak.

All of them fell face down towards the floor. I think one of them broke their nose. I sip on the orange juice and left the cafeteria without even eating dessert. What a crappy way to start the day.

Mark's POV:

"Ow the hell was that. Man, I think I broke my nose." Said Marlon while massaging his nose.

"I don't know" I said while standing up. I felt like I was push but then again no one was near us when me and my friends fell down.

I glance back from where Jamira was sitting to see that she was gone. I look for her around the cafeteria but then realized what I was doing. I mentally slap myself. What was wrong with me?

Ever since the day I met her I can't seem to take her off my mind. Even go as far as giving her ice cream for her birthday. which is so unlike me normally I would just greet them a happy birthday.

I started walking towards the exit of the cafeteria when someone snake their arms around mine. I jumped startled by the action but relaxed when i saw it was my girlfriend Merin.

"You ok? you seem a little tense." Merin said with a smile

I smiled back at her and tell her everything was fine just thinking about a lot of things.

She asked what was on my mind but I told her it was nothing important. She quickly drops the subject and started talking about how she has to study for tomorrows math test.

I tried my best to listen attentively to everything she says but my mind always drift off somewhere else. Her smile is all i could think of . How her warm touch electrified my whole body and send my heart racing. Everything around me seem to just disappear when I see Jamira. I was quickly removed from my daze when Merin shook my shoulder.

"Hey you listening?" Merin asked

"Uhh yeah I'm listening." I said with an innocent smile plastered in my face. She giggled

"You goofball by the way you coming later? Me and Jamira are organizing the welcoming party. We need an extra pair of hands" Merin said

"Yes sure I'll help" I said trying to sound normal. But every time I hear her name my heart would skip a beat.

I know it was wrong for me to feel this way. But there's no doubt about it I was falling fast for Jamira. But I love my girlfriend so I really don't know what to do at this point. I can't tell her I like your friend. Best option is to avoid her and hopefully this feelings I have would disappear. I don't want to break my promise to my girlfriend.

I gently kiss my girlfriend in the lips she smiled by the gesture and kiss me back as well. It was moment later that I hear people screaming help...

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