Chapter 1: For The Watch

Start from the beginning

All of them were shocked to hear this. To hear that most of the people they loved were most likely dead was a terrible thought, and they wondered how something like that could've happened.

"I am sorry, I know this is a lot to take in, but this world is a cruel place," RR said, "For now, Please watch," RR told them.

The screen lit up and the student's gaze turned to the screen as it began to play.

In a dimly lit office, Jaune was seen reading small rolled-up notes, his appearance was different, and his hair was very much the same, however, he had a small beard, and wore black leather clothing. After finishing reading the note, he set it aside and closed his eyes, looking tired.

Ruby was a bit confused about what was going on, "What is Jaune in this world?"

"He's the Lord Commander of the Night's Watch, a group of men who come from different backgrounds, some not so good, who are tasked with protecting the Wall, which spans across the entire northern part of Westeros and its the 2nd tallest structure in the world,"

"How tall is it?" Weiss asked

"700 feet tall," RR replied

"What!?" Weiss cried in shock, "And that is going across the entire continent!?"

RR nodded, "Yes, it was made by a man called Brann the builder," RR told them.

"Jaune's king of the castle!?" Nora asked with a smile.

RR chuckled, "Not exactly, and truthfully, Jaune's life isn't all the good in here," RR said

Pyrrha looked a little worried, "Why?" She asked

"When you join the Knight's Watch, you take a vow to never marry nor to have children, and when you join, you join for life," RR replied to the Champion.

"That's terrible," Pyrrha said.

"What was worse was that Jaune also found love not too long ago, she was a part of a group of people that attacked the wall, however, during the said attack, she died," RR told them.

Pyrrha wondered who it was he fell in love with, "Who was she?" Pyrrha asked

RR looked at her, "I'll show you another time," the orb told her sadly.

Back on screen, the door to Jaune's office opened and he looked to see who entered it only to see a young boy looking at him.

"Lord Commander! It's one of the wildlings you brought back!" cried the boy, "Says he knows your Uncle Benjen, says he's still alive,"

Jaune quickly stood up and looked at the boy, "Are you sure he's talking about Benjen?" Jaune asked.

The boy nodded, "Says he was first Ranger, said he knows where to find him," the boy told Jaune.

Team RWBY looked a bit confused.

"Jaune has an Uncle?" Ruby asked

Pyrrha nodded, "Yes, but Jaune never says much about him," Pyrrha replied

Jaune rushes out of his room and out to the snowly courtyard of the fort known as Castle Black, once outside he was met with a familiar face, who was also dressed up like Jaune.

Nora squinted at the screen until the face came back to her, "Hey! Isn't that Merlot!?" Nora asked.

"Hey! It is!" Yang said, pointing at the screen.

Blake looked confused, "What is he doing here?" she asked.

Ren shook his head, "I don't know, but if he's like our Merlot, then he's up to no good," Ren said

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