Chapter 22

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( Loki's Pov )

In my chambers, I've spent my time in silence while reading one of the books from Hope's library. The Princess Bride, written by a Midgardian author named William Goldman. It seemed to be one of her favorites because she left little notes on few of the pages, which I found quite cute really. This made me smile as I could imagine her beautiful voice while she wrote her notes, but this was making me long for her even more, making it harder to ignore the temptation to go to her.

But before I could put the book away, I heard a loud whimper passing outside my door, the sound faded a little before it grew louder as the sound of a door slamming shut hit my ears.

I didn't think anything of it until moments later when I heard Potts's voice outside, who sounded worried as she called out Hope's name.

Out of curiosity, I walked near the door to open it a little to see what was going on. I turned to the left to see Potts in front of Hope's room door, which was a few doors down on the opposite side of the hallway. She looked very concerned as she knocked on it a few times before speaking through it.

"Hope? Hope, it's me Pepper. Are you okay?" She asked with care.

Hope didn't respond, instead, the sounds of loud sobbing came from the other side of the door. She was crying, why was she crying? Was it because of someone in this tower? Who would dare to put her in distress?! The idea of someone hurting Hope just boils my blood, and if this were the case, then someone was going to pay.

As I began to feel the anger rise within me, Potts continued to speak to her through the door, hoping she would listen. "Hope, please let me in."

"Go away Pepper!" Hope shouted through the door, wanting to be left alone.

"Hope, I know what happened okay? You don't need to beat yourself up over this, we can figure this out." Potts reassured her.

"What could have possibly happened?" I thought to myself. Thinking of what could have gone wrong earlier today.

"Pepper please, I need to be left alone. I don't want to end up hurting you too." her voice quivered. Potts sighed before slowly walking away from the door, reluctantly respecting her wishes.

Despite my mind telling me to ignore the situation, I couldn't stand to hear my dear friend in pain. She doesn't deserve to suffer while I choose to keep my distance for her safety. I won't be able to bear it while I continue to hear her cries. Whatever previously occurred, I won't let her suffer alone. Not a damn chance.

Suddenly I saw her door beginning to open, which then I quickly back away into my room so she won't see me, yet making sure I could still see her without entirely shutting the door. Giving myself time to observe her before making my move. But instead of seeing her dark brown hair, I saw blue flames in its place, flowing down from her head to her chest.

I watched in amazement as she poked her head out the door, looking in different directions to see if anyone was coming through the halls. Luckily she wasn't able to see me, giving me a chance to observe her look.

The blue flames only appeared on top of her head, while the rest of her body was clear from the blaze; allowing me to see the fresh tears that continued to fall from her glowing blue eyes. Something must've upset her enough to make her lose control of her powers. 

While it pained me to see her in this state, I couldn't help noticing how her flames contrasted with her beauty, making her even more enchanting. But Hope seems to suggest otherwise, because when she took notice of her hair, she began patting on it with both her hands to put the flames out. However; when the flames wouldn't go out, she patted her head more harshly than before, desperate to set it back to normal.

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