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Dear Flora,

I found the book. The one you gave me.

It was in your house colours, blue and bronze. with a heart engraving on the cover, and the heart was painted a forestry green. You said it reminded you of me. Little did you know, that would blossom into a relationship of many.

You making the first move, helped Lily understand her feelings for James. Thus also helping Sirius ask out Vivienne Chen.

You brought out the feelings in your family.

I remember our first conversation. I had stepped on the back of your shoe while getting off the train. You scolded me, and tried to yank my family patch of my robes. It was magically sewn on, and you hurt your finger.

Our second attempt at a conversation was in second year, when we were at the black lake to work on a project. Instead of writing down the creatures that lived in the lake, we made a bucket list.

We checked off a couple things. Let me write the list out.

Go skinny dipping in the black lake.

Play a prank on the marauders

Make out in a car.

Make out in closet.

Watch a muggle film.

Eat a food we never have tried before.

Have a great childhood.

Marry our true loves.

The last one we were so close too.

Goodnight my flora.

✷ Ace Of Her Heart ━ Regulus Black Where stories live. Discover now