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dear flora,

it's been five weeks since you died. astraea misses you. your sister hasn't shown up to our house in a while. your father was devastated, he looked as if he lost another piece of his soul. his devotion to take care astraea and fauna has grown even more profound than before. also, i am not writing with a quill today. i am writing with the pen you gave me. the caran d' ache one.

fauna got a boyfriend. you wouldn't believe who it is. it's remus lupin. i know! i always thought he had feelings for my brother.

fauna has been awfully quiet since your funeral. she didn't even attend the funeral. i felt the pain that your father felt when she didn't sit down in her designated chair.

james + lily are doing well, harry is a year old now and astraea still likes to play with him.

mary macdonald married gideon prewett last month.

marlene + dorcas broke up. marlene didn't feel right about doing long distance while dorcas went and played in france.

sirius is dating vivienne chen, your friend. if you remember. she broke down when you died, almost sadder then me or astraea.

i still wish i could marry you and be able to spin you around like the couples in the movies you would show me.

lianne chang, the snotty ravenclaw girl asked me if i was single when i went over the diagon alley to buy astraea her hecate costume. im dressing her up as a little flower.

i found this book, it's a magical notebook that's supposed to transfer the notes to the corresponding notebook. i signed our names, so it heads to your book. although i know ill never get a response.

i will enclose a photograph, she looks beautiful like you.

anyway, lianne assumed after your um passing, that i would date again. i will never date or marry or love again. you are my soulmate, my destined love. we were connected in the stars when we met.

i will forever remember you as my wife. i accidentally over inked that one.

i love you, mon amour.


r. a. b.


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