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My dearest flora,

What is pain? Pain is you leaving this world and me crying out to the gods to bring you back to me. Pain is Astraea falling or Fauna yelling at her. I hope you have fun up there. I miss you. It's been too long. You can come back down and hug me and tell me how hot I am. Aiden has officially sold the shop to the Weasleys. They needed some extra space. Molly is pregnant again. They hope for a girl. Charlie is sick again, the poor boy. Astraea and I are heading over there tomorrow to give him his birthday gift.

Remus has left the property, he is living with Sirius now. He said he didn't want to put your dad in danger, with the whole situation.

He's getting older and sicker. Fauna and I finally agreed on how he is getting sicker. That care facility abused him though. We are thinking about getting a medi witch as a caregiver for him. Because in like three months, he will be hospitalized.

That's enough writing today.

Good night,
Regulus Black.

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