Playground Misfortune

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Georges POV:

I feel my head being beaten in with something hard and heavy. My eyesight barely even existing at this point, the pain numbing throughout my body as the hitting increased. Liquid pours out of my body in different parts, and I feel myself falling against something extremely hard and uncomfortable. The sound out stuff being slung around fills out the ringing in my ear, the two noises mixing disgustingly. My face is numb, along with the rest of my body, letting me know there's literally no point in trying to stand up, or even move. Yelling is now heard, squeaky and high pitched, others deep and stern. I slowly try opening my eyes, upon seeing red and blurriness from whatever happened. I feel people moving around me, liquid is running slowly underneath me as I sit in it. My only conclusion to the liquid is blood, and that worries me. 

A part of me hopes that I die. Laying here, in my own blood, waiting for death. Seems...peaceful enough, knowing that what's causing this is my own fault. It always is me, nothing else. There's something in me that has made peace with myself as I lay here. God, who knows what I look like right now. Probably like shit, I don't know. Everything has stopped now, my breathing has slowed and is coming to a stop, I can feel tears erupting my eyes and sliding down my cheeks, my lips quivering in fear. My heart pounds in my ears, a slow pace that freaks me out.

I realize that I don't want this. I can't just let go, I have so much to live for, why am I doing this? I haven't even proven everyone wrong like I'm supposed to. I can't let go now. not now.

"Please--not..not n-" I yell in pain as I get struck in the head with something else,

my world finally going black.


Dreams POV:

I bash one of the last remaining kids' heads in, running over to where George was laying, beaten half to death. As soon as I got there, the last kid remaining smashed a metal bat over George's head, pulling George in a state of...something. I was too scared to look, I only saw red as my form took over. The powerful me, the non-bitch me, grabbing and ripping the boys head straight off his body with the bite of his neck. Thick, red flowing blood gushed out of the boy's neck and decapitated head, but I haven't had enough. Not nearly enough. I picked his decapitated head, throwing it at the wall multiple times with full force, the skull soon fracturing and the flesh turning into a mushy red substance. His eyes must've popped out and mixed with the rest of the flesh on the ground. I must've smashed them also......What was here for again?

Shit, George!

I quickly scoop the boy's body into my hands, heading to my base as quick as possible.


Me, Geroge and some other creatures like me were in the medical room in our base. Soundproof walls with medical supplies and weapons cover the walls, a medical bed lays in the middle of the room, George laying amongst the bed. Bright lights shine onto him as my medics work through the boy's wounds, stitching and patching here and there, hopefully curing the boy.

"Dream," a voice sends me out of my state of thinking. I turn my head towards them in interest of what they have to say.


"Please stop stressing, George- he's...doing extremely perfect with the healing progress." my medic, Bad, says as he rubs my shoulder in a comforting way.

"I- Did he lose too much blood? I could get him some-" I breathe out, Bad interrupting me.

"No... he's fine, Dream. Really. But when he starts waking up, I have to put him back to sleep. What you can do for me, is take this young boy home after the sleeping shot, please." Bad says, ushering me out of the room, "I need to do something about his larger wounds, which are on his stomach. You might not be able to sustain seeing them becuase of how bad they are, Dream."

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