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(georges pov)

Stepping out of the uber, I glanced at the large, old crooked house in front of me. This was officially my new home, and I'm more then glad to say that I'm not dreading it. A large backyard full of pine trees, the ocean being not to far from here and a small town to get away from my own home?

I'll take it.

I've always hated living in London, the same feeling had stuck with me for a while after everything happened between my parents. It left me dreadful, weak perhaps. Maybe living in this small, dainty town will prevent my past moments. I hope to god my mother doesn't treat me the same like she did back in England, it lead me being hurt.

Distraught, even.

You see, my parents were never a happy couple in my childhood years, everyday was the same. The same argument over the other, and gosh, did I hate it. After my dad finally had enough of her bullshit and usage over him, he signed the papers and we left. He took me with him because he was certain that I wasn't going to be taken care of properly, and I don't blame him. I wouldn't leave my own child with a mother like mine. Even for less then ten seconds.

I hope that one day my father will find a women that'll treat him right, he deserves it. He deserves the right love. The right love my own mother couldn't give me or him correctly.

"George!" My dad pats me on my shoulder, sending me out of my thoughts. I take out an earbud from my ear, sending his a confused look.

"Are you coming inside or what, son?" He chuckled and continued on into the house. I was currently standing on the front porch, one headphone in and a back pack over my shoulder.
I sighed and took a step into my newly abode and took a deep breath in, the smell of firewood burning hit my nose and I smiled. It's really a pleasant smell, mad I could bask in it all day if I could.

"Go on up and down the hallway to your left is your room, make yourself comfortable, gog's." I smiled at him and headed on up to my new room that I'd hope to be staying in for a while, the thought of being cooped up this house was becoming pleasant to my likings. Oh and 'gog's' is a nickname my father gave me when I was younger, mainly because I used to carry around little white and black goggles that I had gotten from winning the town science fair, and I had never seen my father more proud in his life. I cherish that moment, wishing I could frame his face on my wall by canvas or something.

"Georgeeee" skade, my sister, yells from her room, making her way towards me at the staircase.

did I mention my sister? Probably not. She's not worth it, honestly

"Have you seen my makeup bag?" She wines, rolling her eyes and pouting at me. Lord, I haven't even made it up the stairs yet, why is she always bothering me. I sigh and roll my own eyes, taking out my headphones completely,

"Check in your pink suitcase, I saw you put it in there last.." I say blandly, hoping she'd nod and go away, though like always, she didn't.

"But I swear I put it in the black bag! It's not there!" She exclaimed dramatically, throwing her arms around like a damn circus clown. Why is she always so extra. There's no reason for it.

"Skade, I honestly have no clue what you mean. I saw you personally put it in the pocket of your p-i-n-k suitcase, idiot." I had to spell out 'pink' because it's obvious that she clearly didn't understand me the first time I said her 'pink suitcase'.

"If it's not there, I'm kicking your ass." She scoffed and walked away, leaving me in the middle of the staircase filled with annoyance. Not even ten minutes into our new home and she's already started her shit. I sigh deeply and continue up towards my room, finally making it. I climb up the latter and plop on my bed with exhaustion.

After a few minutes I decide to get up, looking around the room as I let out a loud sigh. I get down from my bunk bed begin slashing through my bags and take out my room decorations and begging to decorate my room.

(To lazyyyyy for descriptionssss)

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(To lazyyyyy for descriptionssss)

I take a step back and look around the room, smiling at my work and continue back up the ladder, deciding to take a nap before dinner. I hope that the days ahead will be better then my last days, I really do.

Lets hope.

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