Ch.1// Drawn To Demons

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??? POV: Everything was too loud, even though what felt like whispers sounded like screams. Swim, that's all I did, searching for a surface that was never there. I wanted to sob, but no tears, only just a void. Until I saw a glow at the end of a long corridor. Everything fell slow at this time, the feeling as though I could move... and I did, sprint even. I never cared what would have been at the end; all I wanted was freedom from this black prison. Forcing what I think are my eyes shut, reaching the end of the bright exit.

Your pov: I tumble onto a flat surface, the pain went through my body like water gushing through a dam, but I only cried tears of joy at this moment. Opening my eyes slowly, taking in a now monotonous murky yellow setting. How much light compared to the pure black abyss I'm used to hurting, now squinting, scanning where I am. A sign above I read aloud, Heavenly toys? Slapping hands to my mouth abruptly at the sounds that came out. Feeling so unnatural but partly pleasing to let out. Only thinking thought's before, now letting them spill, felt nostalgic like a familiar tune but unknown. So lost in this new world and feelings; I hadn't known I wasn't alone. Shooting up from the floor finally at the sound of a clang behind me. A woman with hair up and a long lengthy knife in hand, ready to swing. I try to step back but am not used to walking; I only fall. Now hyperventilating impulsively, trying to back up on the floor. I was overwhelmed with emotions and new senses; I didn't know what to do. The woman looked as though she understood and lowered her weapon. Only having the courage to stare while liquid streams down my face. She sits down across from me, showing she is no threat. My breathing calms a little at this as the woman speaks.

???: Hey, it's okay; I'm not going to hurt you. Are you new here? I Think of what she said for a moment, still shaking a little, then nodding.

???: I remember my first day down here, I was just as scared, but you get used to it; Most down here call me Alice.

Alice; Do you know your name?

I freeze thinking of this; now that I think about it, nothing comes to mind, nor does anything. My face dropped as I shook my head no.

Alice; Do you remember anything?

Stunned at this, I try to think hard, was there anything before? Was I only just made? But how do I know how to read? Don't you need to learn those? Thoughts and questions race through my head as I sputter out. You: No, only a black void with voices that never sounded clear...

Trailing off at the end of that sentence as the pit in my stomach swells. Alice looks at me empathetically, reaching out and grabbing my hand to comfort me.

Alice; I don't entirely know who I am either, but everyone down here was someone before. You, at some point, had a life, and it was ripped for you, and I'm not sure if there even is a way out of this hell. Figuring out who you were and who you are now is something you have to face by yourself. What's important is that you aren't a nobody; you have a purpose, even if you don't know it.

I look at Alice with hope and encouragement, now excited for what is to come and fearful at the same time. Giving her a fond smile that tells her mentally thank you. She smiles back and gets up, pulling me from the ground.

Alice; You should still be called something; everyone down here has a name, even if it's not their actual name. Oh, you can have a nickname! Hm how about N/N (Nickname of your choice)

N/N: I- I like it, thank you.

Alice: I'm glad you do; You need a rundown of the studio if this is your first day. Your pretty lucky the machine didn't turn you into a searcher, watch out for the butcher gang; they are dangerous next to lost ones. You will catch on pretty quickly if you can survive. I honestly don't know what you are; you don't look like any recognizable toon around here. More of a mix between a lost one and a toon?

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