Chapter 22 ~ The End

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His lips yearned to be met with hers. Her lips looked ravishing to look at. "A-Adrien?" Her own lips parted to get some air in. She'd become breathless. He moved closer towards her, having her stuck in a light trance.

Everything around them lost it's importance, it all faded into one big blur. Her mind elsewhere. His fingers folded over her hand that still stood above his chest. "I" His heated breath fanned against her lips. "I know...that I Love you." Her eyes widened, letting out a light gasp, his lips pressing into her own.

She wanted to flail her arms around him so badly but she knew she couldn't. Her stomach weakened when he poked his tongue through.

Is this really happening?

Is he really....

He's kissing me.

Her lips fell into his dance. He moved his arm to her waist, tightening the grip. Her cheeks painted a rosy red as the tension built up. She pulled back to catch her breath. He showed her his slight smile.

He longed for another kiss. He cupped one side of her cheek, having the girl chuckling softly against his lips. "May I?" She answered him by colliding their lips together. The rain poured harder as they shared their second kiss together. A tingly sensation made its way to his abdomen.

He was over joyed with happiness.

He couldn't get enough of it. As they separated she said...

"I Love you too prince."


"I've always did." She showed her brightest smile. This time Adrien gathered both of her hands into his. "This may be too soon to ask but..." A hint of a smile crowned his lips. "Marinette Dupain-Cheng. You've always been someone to put others first. You're always nice to others, selfishness would never be a word to describe you. You're not that type of person and I adore that about you. Will you please be my girlfriend?" His eyes pleaded. He stared down at their hands and slowly trailed his eyes back to hers.

Marinette threw herself over the boy. His arms immediately flung around her waist. Her arms hurled his neck in great blissfulness. She hugged him, squeezing him out of pure happiness. "Yess!! I will be your girlf-"


The teenagers quailed at the sudden outburst. They peered around only to find Alya in the right side balcony accross from them. Nino appeared behind her to slap her arm. "SH! They were having a moment!" Adrien let out a long and humorously laugh. Poor Marinette stood there in his arms completely confused.

"YES!! IT WORKED! I TOLD YOU SO! HA! IN YO FACE!!" She clamored to her boyfriend in a competitive tone. "What's going on?" Marinette looked a bit befuddled by their conversation. "That was my present for you girl! A boyfriend!" Her best friend cackled subsequently. "WHAT?!" They gaped at their friend. Marinette especially could not believe what she was hearing.


"BABE! WOULD YOU BE QUIET! PEOPLE ARE SLEEPING!" Nino reminded her for the hundredth time. Adrien squinted for a second, ruminating deeply into his mind. " that's why you handcuffed us together?! So I was right!?" Marinette grew offended to his words. "WHAT? SHE DID THIS?! WAIT-HOW DO YOU KNOW?" It was quite a shock to have him lying behind her back after everything. "Uhh...hehe. Lucky guess?" He raises both his shoulders in a shrug.

"NO NO NO AGRESTE! YOU'RE GOING TO TELL ME NOW-UGH ALYA!!!" She became aggravated because of the humiliation. "YUP YUP! TRUE TRUE! I DID IT ALL-ACTUALLY WE DID IT ALL, ME AND NINO!" She placed an arm over the boy almost grabbing onto him in a choking hold. "No Mari! I had noff-to do with shis it was all her!" He said through chokes. "THANK ME B!TCH, I'M THE BESTFRIEND YOU COULD EVER HAVE! COULDN'T HAVE DONE IT WITHOUT ME!" She screamed loud and proud as she then added a little dance. "Look Marinette..sorry I didn't tell you. You just have to understand that I couldn't say anything!" Adrien babbled.

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