You watch a horror movie

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Hiii! Sooo I've been gone for another year it seems. I totally didn't just forget the password to my account or anything lol. But for real, I tend to hyperfixate on this franchise and then drop it at random times.

So I'm sorry for not making any updates (again haha). And thanks for the 10k reads, I'm kinda surprised people are still reading this even though I haven't made any updates lmao.

Anyways, enjoy <3

Clawd Wolf

-"You sure about this? It's really scary," Clawd asked you.

"Duh, I've seen worse!" You laugh out a reply.

Moments later you're screaming with the main character and holding onto Clawd for dear life. He laughs at you and your cuteness, holding you close to him. He occasionally screams alongside with you.

After the movie he turned to you with a grin on his face.

"What did I say about this?" He asked while holding onto your trembling body.

"Shut up..." You grumbled as you hid your face in his chest out of embarrasment.

Deuce Gorgon

-"You sure?" Deuce asked you while putting the movie on.

"Yes darling. Now come here, I'm cold!" You said as you let go of the blanket you have wrapped around yourself, reaching towards him.

While the movie is on, Deuce ended up falling asleep and his head fell onto your lap. You giggled and your attention went back to the movie. While he slept, you pet his head and played with his snakes.

At the end of the movie, there was a high pitched scream and Deuce woke up screaming. He was quick to sit up and he realizes the loud noise came from the movie. He turned to look at you with red cheeks. You chuckled as he pulled you onto his lap and hid his face in your hair.

"Don't tell anyone about this..." He mumbled quietly.

Heath Burns

-You snuck into his house for a sleep over. You told your father that you were staying at a friends house. Technically you weren't lying. You decided to have a movie night but had no idea what to watch. But then you found your favorite horror movie. You happily put it on, not listening to Heath's protests and just telling him it wasn't that scary and you'd protect him. He tried laughing it off but it was clear he wasn't the biggest fan of the idea. You found it adorable and sweet of him to watch a horror movie even though he didn't want to.

"Are you seriously scared?" You asked with a teasing voice.

"Pshh, of course not! I just don't like horror movies," Heath replied, cheeks flushing slightly.

"Yeah okay, scaredy cat."

He turned towards you, clearly offended. You soon realized that he wasn't serious and that he was playing along.

"Am not!" He gasped.

"Then let's watch the movie..!"

He sighed loudly.

"Fine, but I'm not scared!"

You hummed in satisfaction and turned on the movie. As you were watching it, you felt an arm loop around yours and sneakily intertwine your fingers with the manster next to you. You smiled a little.

He ended up being fine. The movie wasn't even that scary, even he thought that too. After watching it, you decided just to cuddle before doing something else. You laid your head on his chest and listened to his heartbeat. You let out a small chuckle while listening to the loud pounding of his heart. He was such a brave soldier for you.

Jackson Jekyll/Holt Hyde

Jackson Jekyll

-You watch it without a problem. Occasionally you notice Jackson getting nervous and happily calm him down while watching.

Holt Hyde

-You two don't have any problems watching the movie. During and after you two joke about how bad it was and how the characters made dumb decisions.

Neighthan Rot

-You stare straight at the screen, face straighter than ever. But on the inside you are screaming your head off. Your lovely boyfriend, who didn't want to watch anything scary but somehow got roped into this, holds onto you tightly. You can never get enough of his cuteness. At the half way point of the movie, you turn to look at him.

"I can't feel my arm", You state blankly.

"Oh no..! I-I'm so sorry", He replies in a panic and lets go of your arm.

You get up without a word and sit on the other side of him. You nudge him with your other arm and he immediately clings onto it. He rests his head on your shoulder and curls into a ball. You can hear a faint, 'thank you'. You felt your heart soar.

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