You fix things between you two

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I caved in. And to the 2.5k who have read this, I love you <3 You have really bad taste, but I love you! So uh.. yeah thanks for reading my cringe, almost a year old stories..!
As a thank you, you can have these extra long stories!

Clawd Wolf

-After some thinking and avoiding Clawd, you had decided on what to do. You marched down the hall of Moster High, searching for your beloved puppy. It took some time but you finally found him at his locker.

"Clawd!" You called out to him.

The werewolf turned his head towards you. His ears stood on top of his head and he was clearly suprised and excited to see you again. His eyes were wide and sadly filled with sadness. Your heart broke and sank through the floor. You quickly shook your head and picked up speed. Once you arrived next to him, you tackled him in a hug, of course being mindful of your bodyweight as you are made out of stone after all. You hugged him tightly but carefully to not hurt him.

"(Y/n)!" He cheered and wrapped his arms tightly around you in a hug.

The hug was very long and loving. You pulled away enough to look up at him. You rested your chin on his chest and gazed into his eyes.

"I'm so sorry," You apologized.

The manster furrowed his eyebrows. 

"I shouldn't have treated you like that... You don't deserve that," You continued, feeling guilty.

Clawd smiled warmly at you. He let out a soft chuckle and shook his head lightly.

"It's alright, you don't have to apologize. My family is important to me and I understand when it comes to complications with them, I totally get it and I'm not mad. More like relieved," He replied.

"Aww thank you so much, Clawd..! You're so sweet!" You said, your heart melting back together.

You buried your face in his chest as you pulled him in for another hug. He hugged you back as quickly as he could. He nuzzled his cheek on the top of your head in an adorable manner. But soon enough you pulled away from him again, now fully. You took a step back and started fidgeting with your fingers to keep calm. You felt like you were going to cry.

"So are we okay now? C-can we be... together again?" You asked nervously, avoiding eye contact.

"Of course!" Clawd replied with a wide smile on his face.

Then he bent down and nuzzled his nose against yours. You squealed happily and hugged him again. He gave you the confidence to confront your parents. You knew that if it didn't go well you'd have Clawd to turn to for support.

Deuce Gorgon

-The emotions from the break up had really given you a motivation to write a sad song. It was a way for you to vent out your feelings. You were sitting on a bench in the hall, writing lyrics into your notebook. As you were doing your thing, listening to music and scribbling down notes, you noticed familiar checkerboard slip-ons approaching you. You removed your headphones and put aside your notes as you glanced up to meet green eyes covered by dark shades. The sight hurt you a little but kept a neutral face.

"Hello, Deuce," You greeted him with a nod.

"Hi (Y/n).." He greeted back. "Mind if I sit down?"

"Go ahead,"

He nodded and sat down. He looked around to check if anyone was around. When he noticed no one was near, he rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly. Then he shook his head before taking in a deep breath.

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