The Bar

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Prompt: Bob and reader walk into a bar, then it descends into existentialism and quantum mechanics, and the bartender is a horse.

Okay. This is gonna be interesting lmao. One way to start the story, huh? Imma have to take a fucking science course to do this.

Content Warnings: Alcohol involved, acts of smoking, science topics that may remind you of hell (school) and absolute fuckery (not literally, calm down).

Ps: I finished this while watching YouTube so I may have ended it off funky.

The night hung low, the sun completely out sight. An airy breath left your lips as you pushed the door open to the local bar. You didn't come here often but you an occasional visit was fine. You knew the bartender anyway. Who wouldn't recognize a horse? Probably some dumbasses but we don't talk about that. Shh.

It wasn't really that noisy tonight, some people conversing over some drinks in booths. Others just looked sad as they watched the televisions nearby, watching some sports on them. You didn't pay much attention to those people, even if you did feel bad for them. You didn't know their own walk of life and what was happening to them, so why judge them? You sat down at a lone chair at the bar top, resting your head down on the table.

The horse of a bartender had come by to take your order, grabbing a small snack to eat and staring off with a soda. You at least wanted to enjoy your dinner first, which was whatever you ordered. Can't read your mind, I'm only the narrator. Either way, you were gonna be here for a while.

You didn't even realize anything around you until you heard a chair being pulled right next to you. You gazed over to see a big man in a red sweater and black short hair. So much taller than you. It had intimidated you a bit, but height doesn't describe personality. You looked back down to the table, a drink now there.

Reaching your hand into your pocket, you took some candy out of your jacket. Magically there and now on the table. "Here." You spoke, passing some of it to the guy beside you. He gave you a rather confused look before taking it without hesitation. Eating it with the fucking wrapper.

"Oh wow, I expected a question to see if it was drugged or not." You pointed out, laughing a bit.

"Is it drugged?" The man asks, looking down at you. Not a hint of worry in his voice.

"No, but I still find it hilarious. I could've easily did some fucked shit without you knowing."

The man also laughed, putting his left hand on his head. "You could, but it would take a lot more than this."

"Experienced?" You commented, raising an eyebrow. This man might just be a bit more interesting that you originally thought.

"Oh yeah," He replied casually. "I've been through my fair share of life-threatening scenarios. Yet I'm still here, without a single hospital visit."

"Your body must be literal armour. I could never. Wish I could."

The man took a sip from the drink he previously ordered, letting out a sigh. "I can help you."

"Nah, I would rather not right now. I would like to feel some things right now." Your food came by as you said that, the smell going right through to your nose. You loved the smell, taking your knife and fork to see if it tasted as good as it smelt. Turns out, it did. Hurray.

"Suit yourself." He replied, taking more of the candy you gave him. The fucking shit multiplied, fanfiction bullshit works here. 

"I at least want to know my purpose. Still haven't found out yet." You took a bite out your food. Yum.

"Do we even have a purpose in life? Is there even any real meaning to it," The man added on, causing you to look at him with a quizzical look. You didn't expect him to continue on, but it did intrigue you a bit that he did. 

"Honestly, I wouldn't know. Maybe there is, maybe there isn't. Will we ever really know?" 

He just shrugged and ordered another drink from the bar with a smile on his face. Aww. You decided that once you were done your meal, you'd finally drink something else. That being whatever the fuck else you wanted. I'm not paying.

You two continued to chat over some drinks about whatever nonsense that came up. At least you learned his name, which was Bob. Funny name. At least the Northwest Territories wasn't named that my god.

Then, out of no where, you brought something up. "Hey, Bob. Do you know what quantum mechanics is?"

"Not off-hand, no," He said, confused.

"It's basically the theory that describes the physical properties of atoms and subatomic particles. It's fucking confusing but still a bit interesting. Randomly popped in my head."

"That happens when you're drunk. Probably should get home buddy." Bob replied, setting his empty glass down and standing up. "I can come with you."

"Nah, it's good. I got a friend picking me up soon. Unless they dipped." You replied, grabbing your jacket and other belongings. You just stared at the floor for a moment. "I'll take my chances."

"Suit yourself." He replied, giving cash to the bartender before leaving. You were about to pay for your own but were told it was paid for.

"Did he pay for my meal?" You asked yourself, receiving a nod from the horse. That brightened your day - well, rather your night - as you walked out, a smile on your face.

"Hey, (Y/N)!" A ginger haired girl called. It was your close friend, Lizzy. She put her smoke out when she greeted you, giving you a hug. "Let's get you home, okay?"

You nodded eagerly, getting in the vehicle with her. During the ride, you fucking threw up in the car though, which caused her to scream at you. You'll be cleaning it up in the morning.

Your Interpretation In My Eyes (Bob x Reader)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon