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Heyy! I never expected to do this but hey, it's here. I am not a simp for him but I know a lot do.

Now this story is going to be a little bit different. "Your Interpretation In My Eyes" has a meaning behind it. How you interpret the story is what I will write. The scenarios you give me in the comments will lead the entire story on. No set story, no set rules (for now). I will add any if I find something I am uncomfortable with writing.

The scenario can be as detailed or as vague as possible, but however I see it is what will be written. So yeah, go fricken wild. Just keep them here or in my dms on here or my Discord please? I can give it for those who want, my user changes too fucking much.

The length of the chapters will vary, depending on how much I can write per topic. More detailed scenarios and prompts are more likely to gain more words per chapter, as I have more things I will be writing about.

Also this story is not likely going to be taken seriously under any circumstance. Don't expect absolute god tier work, I want humour. You will get my humour which is absolutely fucking random! Yay! Suffer.

Anyway, let the story begin! Your call.


Ps. This can be edited at any time.

Your Interpretation In My Eyes (Bob x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now