The Semi-Final Match: A Tyrant's Reign Threatened

Start from the beginning

Kiyotaka: "I'd agree but we never know what type of plan both teams have for this battle. Neither team is really working as a cohesive team like some other teams."

Karma: "You're right, but I think the betting team to win this match is Himeno and Hiroya."

"What do you think of this match Ichinose?" Kanzaki Asked

Ichinose: "I think it could go either way. We've seen Himeno battle before and Kushida San. But when it comes to ryuen or Hiyora there's not much info about them or how they battle."

Shibata: "I don't know ryuen and helios are quite powerful. And kushida's sirenoid is pretty good too."

Kanzaki: "Yeah but they're not a team and in the qualifiers, they just worked separately in the battles. The same can be said with Himeno san and Hiroya. Those two dominated their matches but they barely worked as a team."

Mako: "Well, maybe they'll work together this time. It's the semi-finals and their need this win in order to reach the finals of their block."

Ichinose: "Well no matter what we should support her. She's our classmate and we should cheer her on."

Mako: "Yeah, your right Ichinose-san."

Chihiro: "You can win this Himeno-san."

Unnamed Class B Student: "We believe in you."

Unnamed Class B Student: "Just do your best."

Himeno: "Ugh, can they stop doing that it's embarrassing."

Hiroya: "Hey, you better focus we're about to begin."

Himeno: "Shut up I know."

Hiroya: "Tch whatever you know the plan we stay out of each other way and deal with our opponents separately."

Himeno: "I'd only agree to this because I don't want to deal with your voice nagging me every 10 seconds."

Hiroya:" Whatever."

Ishizaki: "Seems like Hiroya is getting his wish."

"Will he fall just like the rest of us the question?" An unnamed Class C Student Asked

Reo Kondō: "Hiroya is strong and Spatterix is incredible but Ryuen & Helios are in the top 5 for a reason."

"Who do you think going to win Albert?" Ishizaki Asked

Albert: "The Boss will Win."

"Who do you think will win Hiyori?" Nishino Asked

Hiyori: "I don't want to choose... they're our classmates we should support them equally?"

Ibuki: "I'm not supporting either one of those pricks I hope they both lose."

Hiyori: "Don't be like that Ibuki-san."

"Who do you guys think is going to win this match, you guys?" Karuizawa Asked

Shinohara: "I think Kushida san's team will win."

Sato: "I think Kushida's team will win we've seen how strong kushida and sirenoid are they won't lose."

Mei: "Let's support her during this match."

Announcer: "Competitors prepare your gauntlets."

Announcer: "We will begin in 3...2...1."

All competitors: Gauntlet Power Strike

Announcer: "The selected battlefield will be Vhagar's Cave."


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