Chapter 2: Julie became her victim

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Someone closed the door. I was locked at that room. The lady was also there. She comes to me taking knife in her hand to cut my neck. She placed it on the neck. My eyes opened I sit down there.  Where am I? I saw it was my house. Maybe it was a nightmare But how ? I didn't realize it. I am at my room on my bed. My mobile is placed at the side table with me. I Took it and saw the time it was 9:00 p.m. Oh no, I forgot to meet Officer Gallon in the evening I called to the Officer Gallon. At the same time The door bell rang. I went there. There is Officer Gallon. I said, "Oh Mr. Gallon I am calling to you. Sorry that I wasn't come in the evening because I fall asleep." Gallon replied,  "No, Ms. Julie Cart You are wrong. You didn't come to me because you robbed The Bank of America. I replied, "What?"
He said, "You're under arrested Detective Julie Cart."

Scene changed
A road where a man was selling newspaper was very happy today because almost everyone was buying newspaper because the news was very much interesting for everyone that Detective Julie Cart is also the member of the Magical Eyes.

I in the investigation cabin. They asked to me, "Who is your leader Julie Cart? Where are all the robbed money? Why you left the paper in the bank written The Magical Eyes over it?

I replied, "Hmm means It wasn't the dream. The lady wasn't blind. And her child was also not kidnapped. The man wasn't his father and the paralyzed old lady was also not paralyzed."

He said, "What are you saying now?"

I replied, "I understand it at that time. I knew that the magical eyes lady was hypnotizing everyone than you call me so I knew that  if you hired me than I must have to save myself. I used the lenses so if they attack me than there is not much affected by its Hypnotizing.
When I went there I became sweaty due to hot weather so the blind lady asked a cold water to me. But It fell down from me mistakenly to old lady's leg so her leg shivers slightly if she is paralyzed so how she feel it. The man wasn't  looking caring of his son. And the woman said that her eyes gone before two years but for giving me water. She gone easily. All thing looked me faked, their tears, their concerned to his child.

She took me to the room locked it and try to kill me by the knife on my neck. She uncovered her eyes and see me. I didn't focus there and the lenses were also in my eyes so it may helpful there. I act like I was hypnotized. She said to me to robbed the whole money of the Bank of  America.  I followed all her demands as a tracker always placed there in my pocket so I placed it with the robbed money.

Officer shouted, "Go and traced it."

I replied, "Wait a minute, You can't traced it as I tried but they knew that I placed the tracker in it so they threw out the tracker."

Officer replied, "But how they're smart enough?"

I replied and smiled, "Ihmm! No one is much more smart. Means someone see me there.when I was placing that tracker but only police can see me in the cctv camera. Because at that place where I place a tracker only cctv camera is placed which have the control only in your team hands. And normal people can't identify that tracker instead of your team. So How they knew about it. First I traced them but after the arrival of police I didn't. Means someone is helping them was from your police team."

I asked, "Gallon I want to saw the cctv videos of other robbery. And one thing I also wanted to join your Police team by disguising myself. Agreed."

Gallon replied, "But how? You was in the jail."

I said, "You said to everybody that Julie Cart ran from the hospital."

Gallon shouted, "Hospital?"

I replied, "Yes hospital."

I eat the medicine and then fell down from the chair. Gallon shouted, but I was fainted. He called the doctor there.

But the doctor checked and said, "We must have to take her to the hospital. Maybe she took the wrong medicine that's why she gone fainted. Call the ambulance fast as we must have to take her to the hospital immediately."

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