65."Here Come The Boom"- P.O.D

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Bold Italics- Russian

Italics- any language besides English

**- thoughts/ memories

In the Red Room training room, a group of the newest Widows ran through their drills expertly until an alarm sounded and the room flooded with red lights. Instantly, they all ran to the armory wall, grabbing their assigned gear and flooding out the door, an army built and bred for war.

In the engine containment unit, one of the three massive engines keeping the whole craft aloft roared below the metal catwalks that was dotted with armored guards. One of the guards, making his rounds around the facility passed a ventilation cover at his feet.

Seconds later, his feet were swept out from under him as Melina pulled herself from the vent, disposing of him quickly as she bashed his head into the concrete wall, his lifeless body falling on the catwalk. She picked up his gun that had fallen, a large rifle with a grenade launcher attached to the barrel of the weapon.

The other guards noticed her at this point as she sauntered over the central catwalk, the roaring engine below her and beneath that, nothing but the air and earth below it. The wind from the engine propellers whipped at her air as guards surrounded her, calling her name, ordering her to put the gun down. They swarmed her, too many for her to take on alone and still live, all of them with their weapons trained upon her.

She held her hands up as one of the soldiers ordered her to put the gun down again.

She raised her hands, "Precisely what I was thinking" she said, before firing the grenade launched and letting the gun fall from her hand.

The red hot ammo flew above them, exploding into the main engine support units and cooling fans. Large metal debris fell around her and the soldiers, falling into the whirling propellers of the engine and ultimately into the thruster below.

It was total system collapse as the metal upon metal ripped itself apart, the main propeller unit pulling itself from its containment and falling into the thrusters below, ripping them out of their supports and taking it with them as they fell down to the earth below.

A second before the entire unit exploded, Melina grabbed her grapple gun and shot up, the machine zipping her up to safety into the upper levels of the engine unit.

"Yelena, slight change of plan. I completely demolished one of the engines and we are going into a controlled crash" Melina reported in her ear piece as she walked casually despite the fiery debris that fell around her. Below her, she could feel a massive explosion, making the metal under her feet tremble.

Yelena sprinted down the hallways of the Red Room, making her way towards the training unit.

"Fantastic!" she gasped sarcastically, "I'm heading to the widows now."

Opening the door she found herself in the same training facility that she had called home only a few months ago.

It was empty.

She stood stunned for a moment in the red lights of the room, "oh no" she breathed.

Something was wrong. They were supposed to still be here.

Yelena knew there was only one place that Dreykov would send every Widow at once. One thing he would call in that much force for.


She turned and saw the armory wall, noticing a few left-over stun grenades hanging there.

Yelena shrugged, "I mean when is a grenade NOT useful?" she muttered to herself, pulling one off the wall. She took a large portion of the vials, and wrapped them around the grenade using a cable tie. She stowed the rest in her vest as she stormed off, grenade and vials in hand.

Alexi slammed through one of the plexiglass walls, the shards around him falling like snow at the Taskmaster stalked towards him.

It had been a vicious battle, he was bruised and tired. His ribs hurt, his breathing came in shallow gasps, and the tight fitting suit was giving him a monster wedgie.

The Taskmaster stomped her foot, making her shield on the ground flip into her hand. She ran as Alexi got to his knees and slammed she shield in his face and then brought the edge of the shield down on his exposed thigh, breaking the bone before body slamming him into a wall of metal lockers.

Grabbing him by the back of his neck, the Taskmaster whipped the shield across his face, sending him sprawling back.

She then threw the shield like a discus, the edge of it landing in the middle of his back, knocking the breath out of him as he face planted on the floor.

The Taskmaster stalked towards him, grabbing him by his shoulders to prop him up on his knees. Rearing one arm back, a savage looking dagger protruded from her forearm.

As she brought the blade down, faster than the human eye could follow, Melina leapt at her from the nearby entrance she had found, wrapping her legs around the neck of the Taskmaster and using her momentum to flip the Taskmaster into one of the nearby containment units that they had previously been in.

Alexi, seeing this, reaching up and slapped the control panel of the unit, causing the clear wall of the prison to slide into place.

Just as it closed the Taskmaster landed a bone shattering blow, but it glanced off the surface of the containment unit. Still, the Taskmaster kept hammering down blow after blow, the reverberations from her fists causing the floor beneath Melina and Alexi to vibrate.

"We have to go" Melina charged as she helped Alexi stand and ushered him out of level zero.

"You came back for me uh?" He said, gripping her shoulder tightly and grinning at her.

Melina rolled her eyes, "shut up, do not get the big head. Now come on, faster!" she ordered.

The engines of the Red Room started a domino effect, unable to carry the capacity that was added from the missing engine as the behemoth machines sputtered and filled the sky with smoke. The reverberations of this catastrophic failure could be felt even in Dreykov's office, where the overhead chandelier shook from the violent shudders of the facility around them.

She grabbed Dreykov by the front of his suit, "Did you plan for this?" she raged, slamming her forehead into his while expertly slipping the ring off of his finger as he fell to the ground, pocketing it before he knew what had happened.

Natasha looked down at Dreykov, blood covering her chin and neck as she viciously smiled at him, "Not so talkative now are you?" she spat as she aimed a savage kick directly to his face, making him slam into the side of the desk before falling to the ground once more.

She looked up at Ana, still floating in her liquid prison, before returning her gaze to a sputtering Dreykov.

"You took everything from us. Our childhood, our choices, everything. You tried to break us" Natasha gasped as she looked down at the pitiful man before her.

She reached up behind her to grab her curved icepick from her ack holster, "But you're never going to do that to us again. Or anyone else" she growled as she raised her arm.

Pain erupted in her shoulder and then she was suddenly pulled backwards, flying through the air until she landed on the ground. She groaned in pain and looked up, seeing a small army of widows file into Dreykov's office.

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