33. Bloodline

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'The dragon should give us an edge in the field' Davos went on

'If they are in the field, they are not protecting Bran, we need to be near him not so near the night King won't come.' Jon said

'Has anyone ever tried to kill him?'

'No one has ever tried' Bran told them

'We are all going to die!' Tormund said 'but at least we died together,' he winked at Brienne.

'Let's get some rest,' Jon instructed 'Your grace' Jon said to danny before making a quick exit. Dany glared back at Jon before glancing at Jill and heading out herself. Tyrion looked to Bran and Jill unmoving by the fire. 

"You broke me." Jill whispered. 

"You are strong than you know." Bran countered. "You are not alone. You never were." Tyrion walked hesitantly up to them. 

'Do you need help?' Tyrion asked glancing between them.

'No' he answered solemnly looking into the fire, his head tipped into Jill's.

'You've had a strange journey' Tyrion told him

'No stranger than most' Bran replied.

'I would like to hear about it,' tyrion said pulling up a chair

'It's a long story,' Bran told him

'If only we were trapped in a castle in the middle of winter with nowhere to go...' tyrion offered.

"Tell him." Bran whispered. 

"I can't." Jill answered as she got up and headed to her chambers, Tyrion's gaze followed her as she left. 

"Would you tell me whats wrong so I can help her?" Tyrion asked. 

"She will tell you. When she is ready." Bran countered. 


Jaime, and tyrion sat sitting by the fire drinking one last drink before the battle began.

'I wish father were here' Tyrion said surprising Jaime. 'I would love to see the look on his face when he realizes his two sons are about to die defending Winterfell' Tyrion clarified.

'That would be something to see' Jaime agreed.

'I remember the first time we were here, the first time we were here you were a golden lion while I was a drunken whore monger,' Tyrion reminded him, 'It was so simple'

'It was not simple' Jaime told him, 'I was sleeping with my simple sister and you had one friend in the world who was sleeping with his sister.'

'I was speaking in relative terms' he told Jaime

'Do you miss it?'

'Of course I miss it'

'Oh my golden lions days are done, but your whore monger days...' Jaime teased.

'I think I have a woman, I'm not sure recently she doesnt talk to me much but, my whore monger days are over.' Tyrion confirmed.

"Jill Snow really did a number on you.'

'She did.' Tyrion agreed. 'and I couldn't be happier for it.... speaking of my Snow.'

'Your Snow?" Jill mused 

"My Snow." Tyrion agreed. 

"Can we talk?"

Jill closed the door and let out a shaky breath as she leaned back against it. Tyrion waited patiently as Jill pondered the words. 

"I do love you, Tyrion." Jill said looking over to him. 

"I love you." He echoed. 

"But in case something goes wrong, I need you to know... Bran he..."

"You are going to be fine. We all are." Tyrion corrected moving to her. 

"I found out who my mom is. Mine and Jon's parents." Jill whispered. 

"That's wonderful... but you don't seem happy." Tyrion remarked. "It's not a lannister is it? Is that why you have been-"

"No, no, no." Jill said shaking her head as she sat down on the bed. "Not a Lannister."

"I mean even if it was," Tyrion shrugged grabbing her hand. 

"Not a Lannister." Jill repeated. "Although Jon seems to be forming to the name. Keeping the bloodline pure."

"Keeping the bloodline pure... your mother-"

"My mother is Lyanna Stark." Jill whispered. "My father is Rhaegar Targaryen..." she let out a shaky breath as she looked to Tyrion.

"Rhaegar Targaryen." Tyrion repeated. 

"Jon is the rightful heir of the iron throne." Jill whimpered. "This girl you both bent the knee to, she will burn the world. Jon should be king. He will be a good and just king." Tyrion stared back at her. "Tyrion if she finds out she will kill Jon and myself. Well, she will try. We used to joke that Starks were hard to kill but Robb would counter with Snow was harder, because we melt through our enemies fingers and remold stronger...."


"I'm always going to be Jill Snow, bastard of Ned Stark, bastard  daughter of winterfell. I'm always going to be Snow." Jill informed him. "But Jon can be the leader we need."

Snow on the Beach // Tyrion LannisterOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora