'Yes, no, not what you hoped for but you must've hoped for something.' Tyrion remarked

'What did you hope for?' Cersei asked 'to make Jon Snow submit to your queen? Make Jill Snow, I like her more now that I know she hates the dragon whore too, that must drive you crazy.'

'I love Jill.' Tyrion informed her. 

'But eventually you wanted both Snows to bend the knee to her?' Cersei remarked

'Yes.' Tyrion admitted

'Why?' cersei sneered

'Because I think she will make the world a better place.'

'You said she would destroy Kings Landing.' Cersei reminded him. 'That doesn't seem like a better place to me. It seems Snow is smarter than I gave her credit for.'

'She is." Tyrion agreed. "But Daenarys knows herself... she chose her council, people are who would check her worst impulses instead of feeding them that's the difference between you and me.'

'I don't care about checking my worst impulses.' Cersei told him 'I don't care about making the world a better place. I am the world.' she said a hand on her stomach 'that thing you dragged here I know what it is I know what it means and when it came at me I didn't think about the world not at all... as soon as it opened its mouth the world disappeared right down it's black throat. all I could think about keeping those mashing teeth away from the ones that I care about most, away from my family...' Cersei told him slowly. 'maybe Greyjoy had the right idea get on a boat take those who matter...'

'You're pregnant.' tyrion remarked.


Tyrion came walking up alone and Jill ran up to him hugging him tight.

"I dont know if I want to kiss you or slap you." Jill remarked.

'did you doubt me?" Tyrion mused kissing her again and again. Happy tears, tears of relief in her eyes. He hadnt seen Jill look this fragile in a long time.

'No of course not, that's why I look like a crying mess because I didn't think she would throw your head down here.' Jill sassed not letting him go.

Then more footsteps could be heard coming up the path Cersei, and Jaime and their army marched with them. cersei approached Danny, everyone turning to face the two queens. While Tyrion held tight to Jill, never wanting to let her go.

'My armies will not stand down I will not pull them back to the capital I will march them north to fight alongside you in the great war' cersei told her 'the darkness is coming for us all we will face it together and the great war is over perhaps you remember I chose to help no promises or assurances from any of you.' Cersei told them, she turned back to her men. 'Call our banners, all of them.'


They arrived at Winterfell as united front Daenerys and Jon Snow riding side by side Jon wearing all black and Daenerys was an all white everyone stood tall and proudly for the king of the north and the queen.

'The people don't seem so welcoming.' Danny remarked. She stared down ponpusly at the northerners that lined the pathway as her and her troops came up to the castle.

'I told you they don't take well to outsiders, but they will love you.' Jon assured.

Sandor wish rode in tall and large and arya noticed him she saw the man she left to die, alive and well and with her brother and the dragon queen. Arya was shocked to see him, but he didn't notice her. She looked to Jill next, as she tipped her head back soaking in the snow falling around them.

'You should consider yourself lucky' Tyrion told Varys 'at least your balls cant freeze off.' Tyrion joked.

'You love telling unic jokes... why is that?' varys questioned.

'Because I have balls and you don't' Tyrion told him from inside the carriage.

"I can see why you and Jillian get along so well." Varys mused. 

Bran sat front and center in front of Winterfell when Jon and Jill got there he hugged and kissed his head.

'Look at you he said you're a man' jon said looking at his brother. Sitting in a wheel chair. Immobilized from the fall. Jill clung to him, sitting in his lap.

'Almost,' bran told him holding to Jill. 

"I missed you honey." Jill declared tipping her head into him as he kissed her cheek. 

'Where is arya?' jon asked

'Lurking somewhere' Sansa told him, hugging him as well.

'This is queen Daenerys of house Targaryen this is my sister Sansa stark of Winterfell.'

'Thank you for inviting us the north is just as beautiful as your brother said you are' danny complimented stiffly. Sansa looked to Jill as she forced a smile as her eyes drifted to Dany. 

'The north is yours your grace' sansa said bitterly, as she moved to Jill. 

'We do not have time for this' bran told them 'the night king has your dragon he's one of them now the wall has fallen dead march south.'

"Always the optimist Bran. I have so much to tell you though, war can surely wait." Jill mused.

Snow on the Beach // Tyrion LannisterWhere stories live. Discover now