Magic Restraints.

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(Nightmare POV)

It's been a day since I have awoken in this huge fish tank and there is still questions I need answered! Looking to my side I smile softly as I see dream peacefully sleeping beside me on a smooth rock that we found more comfortable than the tank floor. 'perhaps I should wait until dream wakes up.' I thought before noticing dream's tail twitch indicating that he was waking up.

Patiently I wait for dream to fully wake up while also letting out a yawn since I also just woke up a few minutes ago before dream did. While dream's mind was still waking up, I moved from his side and swam in front of him before suddenly pouncing on him which ended up with both of us falling off the rock and dream letting out a surprised yelp. "Wake up sleepy head!" I said while a playful grin was plastered on my face. "Really nighty?" Dream asked with an amused but happy look. "Yup." I said while still not moving off of dream who was being smashed from under me.

"Nightmare, your smashing me with your weight you meany!" Dream exclaimed before attempting to wiggle out from under me. "Hey! It sounds like your calling me fat y'know?" I said while staring at dream who was wiggling under me. "Brother, Get off!" Dream whined from under me before giving up and instead attempting to glare at me, though it seemed more like a pitiful stare. "Alright fine. Though you better take back what you said, I'm sure I don't weigh that much!" I said while moving off of dream who instantly swam a short distance away and into a sitting position in front of me.

"Okay, I take back what I said you don't weigh that much... Well at least to others but to me brother you are heavy." Dream said before staring at me to see my reaction. "...your just too weak." I said while looking away. 'am I actually that heavy or what?' I questioned myself before shrugging it off. 'well whatever I'll just exercise later by swimming and what not.' I said before snapping my attention back to dream.

"I am not too weak! Your just too heavy!" Dream said before swimming away. "Dream! you positive ball of sunshine you better get back here!" I yelled while swimming after dream who was swimming away from me at full speed. "Never!" Dream yelled back while still swimming away from me. While I chased after dream I decided to question him about things later and enjoy the time we had now, plus we just woke up and I rather ask dream questions when he's more awake and not sleepy.

(A few hours later-)

(Nightmare POV)

We had both stopped chasing after each other awhile back and were now just relaxing. We had both finally caught our breath so I decided to ask dream some questions I've been wanting to ask him. "Dream?" I asked while tilting my skull towards him. "Yeah?" Dream asked back with a relaxed smile on his face. "I have some questions, I was wondering if you would be able to answer them." I said while staring at dream with hope filled eyelights.

"Questions? Sure I don't mind answering!" Dream said happily, tail curling around himself. "Well, my first question is... What is this place?" I said while waving my hand over the glass tank. "Well we're in a glass tank, the scientists usually don't come and visit us when it's Saturday and Sunday since it's their break days." Dream said while thinking about the scientists that would visit now and then. "Okay well what do these scientists do with us?" I asked with curiosity shining in my eyelights.

"Well the scientists usually come to get blood samples, feed us, record us, and to test us." Dream listed off while letting out a thoughtful hum. "Huh, is that all?" I asked with disbelief in my voice. "Yep!" Dream said cheerfully. "Wait- what type of tests do they do on us?" I asked, Nervousness clear in my voice. "Well they usually test us on our endurance, speed, intelligence, strength, and magic capabilities." Dream said while giving me a reassuring smile that helped me relax slightly. "Oh thank goodness it isn't anything too extreme." I said with a small relieved smile now on my face.

"Of course it wouldn't be anything extreme! If they did that then they would get in trouble!" Dream said while humming a happy tune. "I see. The scientists aren't mean are they?" I said while focusing my attention back to dream. "Not really no. Only when they have a bad day do they get a little grumpy but that's about it." Dream said while thinking about some days when he would see some scientists or workers complaining about who knows what while clearly in a bad mood.

"Okay, well here's another question for you. Is there any other mers like us here?" I asked while watching dream's expression for any change. "Not from what I have seen so far. I think I heard one of the scientists a few days ago though talking about how they were being moved to another branch? Dunno what that means though." Dream said with a thoughtful expression. "Another branch?" I mumble in confusion before realizing what that meant.

"If there's more branches like this place than that means there could be more mers like us dream!" I exclaimed in excitement. "Really?!" Dream said while jolting up from his sitting position in excitement. "Yeah, except the question is how do we get moved to another branch?" I questioned before waving my hand in front of me in a dismissive matter while continuing. "Well whatever, I'll think about this matter later!" I said before continuing on, placing my hand down. "Anyways dream, this is the last question for today. Why do I have these fingerless gloves on?" I questioned while staring at the gloves on my hands.

"Oh that- well the scientists said it was to help suppress our auras from affecting the workers and scientists. The gloves are also to help suppress our magic. The only time we're allowed to have them off is when they are testing our magic capabilities and when it's Saturday or Sunday. You used to take off your own gloves before but you stopped doing that when you got that hit to the skull." Dream said while looking down at his own hands where his own fingerless gloves that were yellow in color would be. "I see..." I said before trailing off in thought.

My thoughts were interrupted though when I realized something. "Wait- dream, I know I said that was the last question but I have one more. Where did we usually put our gloves at?" I asked with a curious head tilt. "Well we both usually placed our gloves in that shell over there." Dream said while pointing over to a fake big sea shell decoration that was yellow and purple in color. "Okay, well I'ma go put my gloves in there. Be right back!" I said while swimming over to the shell. "Okey dokey!" Dream cheerfully said before going back onto the smooth rock we were sleeping on earlier.

(Hope y'all like the drawing of mer dream!)

While dream was relaxing on the smooth rock, I was taking off my gloves and placing them into the sea shell that I noticed had a little made shift shelf in it

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While dream was relaxing on the smooth rock, I was taking off my gloves and placing them into the sea shell that I noticed had a little made shift shelf in it. Once I placed my gloves in the sea shell, I swam back to dream's side and laid down beside him on the rock and then with a yawn I shut my eye sockets closed. 'i wonder what tomorrow will bring?' I thought in curiosity before my mind slipped off into sleep, not noticing my tail had curled around dream's protectively while falling asleep.

Have a wonderful day and night!


The gloves are magic and aura restraints.

Nightmare is protective of his brother.

Dream loves taking his gloves off on Saturday's, Sunday's, and when they're doing magic tests since he doesn't feel restricted.

Nightmare is thinking about how to get himself and dream into a branch with more mers. Why? Well to get info from them of course! What type of info? Info that will help them escape the lab, I mean who would want to stay in a lab to be tested on for the rest of their lives?

I'm reborn as nightmare but as a mer?Where stories live. Discover now