"Ambush at Cronk"

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1:37 PM

We arrived at Maron not too long ago, and there's not much of interest other than the rotting and torn apart corpses of two certain trash disposal engines, but good god the sight was horrifying. It looked as if their faces and boiler and engine had been ripped open and then hollowed out, and we assumed it was IT.

However, we also recently got some unfamiliar chatter on the radio where there was multiple people talking. We had it on Molly and we were only able to hear the voices on the other end talk for about 20 seconds at most, so we didn't have enough time to get enough people out to listen to the radio, and unfortunately, none of us could even understand what was even being said.

Well, with the exception of BoCo and Toad, who were both right next to Molly's cab. They said they could make out a few garbled but recognizable words said by the people on the other end, which they said consists of things like

"Don't let them-"
"for research"
"How's the samples-"
"ohn, someone's listeni-"
"turn it off dammit!"

Toad also swore he heard a whistle somewhere in that transmission, but it was too distorted to make out.

Suddenly, we heard something nearby, and according to some of us it sounded like some kind of animal growling, and a lot of it, most likely coming from several animals. None of us were tempted to go near, so we're sitting at Maron, ready to defend ourselves just in case, but if not, we'll wait until they're gone, so this may take a while.

11:25 PM

God bless, have I really not written down this stuff in the last several hours? Well, here it is finally.

About an hour after the last entry, we decided to quickly head over and hide and Cronk as the sounds from those things had left us. We quickly made it down to there, passing by the line heading up to the Ironworks and Peel Godred. Suddenly, as we heard something coming closer, as swiftly hid the engines where we were sure they wouldn't be found.

James had been pushed into a rather small siding right behind BoCo and Duck along with some coal trucks right behind him, yet he didn't complain about how his paint would get dirty from this, since it was probably the least of his worries. We soon saw Rosie and Nia pass by, along with a small group of animals following them. We could only assume they were trying to hunt us down, but hopefully they didn't attack Wellsworth, or well we didn't actually know since we never heard anything on the radio from the others back at our base.

Some time later, we sent some of the people we had into the buildings and facilities to search for anyone who survived. I was one of the couple that stayed behind to guard the engines. And while we never saw anyone pass by in that time, Molly, Oliver, and some of the others pointed out the fact of how Neville's body was gone from the nearby river. We're still not sure how this coincides with anything else, but we suspect that it does since someone had to have moved his body, as otherwise it would probably still be here.

However, even after a few hours, the people we sent still hadn't come back yet, leaving us all worried for them. Suddenly, we heard a loud and familiar whistle as we saw Spencer and two express coaches rounding the bend that went underneath Neville's Bridge and come up to us. At first, he looked ok and only with some scratches and bruises on his face. But that soon changed as he began laughing like a maniac as the people within the coaches hopped out and began neutralizing us.

Henry, James, and Molly then all shouted at Spencer, asking how he could've done this to them. But all he did was say to Henry, "Our gods have reached out to us, and you and I are now one with them, old square wheels. Gordon didn't accept it, and now he's burning in hell." Spencer then went back to laughing as some of the people that came out of his coaches apprehended us.

He then dragged Molly out and saw as the giant dragon flew out again, this time with many more smaller dragons by its side, like an army. We weren't sure what would've happened, but thank god it didn't. Moments later, we heard gunfire coming from nearby as the dragons turned to attack the soldiers that had snuck up on them.

Spencer was shocked by this and ran back to try and help the dragon and it's followers, but Henry was faster and had buffered up to him and began pushing him away. However, before long, a group of small dragons had reached us and we were forced to fight. A green one flew at James' face, but luckily, BoCo's driver Sherman shot it down.

We were doing well as only a few attacked us at a time, but as the battle continued, we started getting overwhelmed as we saw Rosie enter the yards with glowing eyes and a massive group behind her. They started picking the soldiers off one by one, and Rosie roared and charged at Molly.

Suddenly, Oliver and Toad flew in-front of her at the last minute and bashed into the tank engine with a truck and a flatbed. At first, it looked as though he had the upper hand, but soon, another small dragon flew in front and knocked the truck and flatbed off the rails. And this gave Rosie the opportunity. She slowly moved and buffered up to Oliver, who started screaming and begging for help.

Duck was horrified and tried to couple up to Toad and pull them both back, but another dragon knocked him off his side. Sadly, we couldn't save the westerner and brakevan as they were dragged off and out of the yard and station.

But just then, it was like everything started to die down as the dragons were called to Rosie and stopped their attack on the remaining soldiers. Soon after this, all the dragons left, and let us settle down and take everything in.

We brought the soldiers over and they explained that they were with Spencer before they got attacked by Emily near Kellsthorpe where they proceeded to run to Killdane. And when Spencer passed by laughing like an maniac, the soldiers followed him in their trucks, leading to the fight that had recently ensued.

Shortly after they told their story, we saw as the people from the search party arrived and met back up with us and saw everything like the derailed Duck, dragon's corpse and blood, and absence of Henry and Oliver. We told them everything as we set to work rerailing Duck, and they were surprised, but glad that we "hadn't lost too much."

However, this got our remaining westerner upset and yelling. He went on and on, screaming how he had lost his best friend and that it was all Spencer and Molly's fault that he was gone. Some of us, including his driver Liam, tried to calm him down, letting him know that Oliver had sacrificed himself willingly and Molly would've been lost had if it been for him.

Duck eventually seemingly got over this, but he hasn't said a word since, but he and the rest of us hope that Oliver, Toad, and Henry will all be ok, but that's an incredibly slim chance. Everyone's currently recovering from the attack and waiting until tomorrow when we plan to move up to search the Peel Godred line.

God help us get through this nightmare, why will this never end?

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