Author's Note

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Hello lovely readers! Thank you so much for giving this story a chance. Truly. I appreciate each and every one of you; it's for readers like you that I write! 

This story is a little different than my current work in progress, Daughter of the Sea. While that book is an ongoing fantasy romance, Made of Metal is an action-packed science fiction short story set in the near future. If androids, mysterious kidnappings, and robotic squirrels (don't ask) are your thing, then you'll love this original story! 

This short story is complete. It is roughly 4,000 words, although there's room to grow if you want more! I'll be posting regular updates over the next few weeks with the goal of having it out by January. 

I'm so incredibly excited to share this with you. I hope you enjoy it! 


Please note that this story contains topics that may be triggering to some readers. Sensitive areas include a teenager being kidnapped and brief observations of blood. There isn't anything graphic or explicit.

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