The wrong king of fools

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Y/N stood on a building as she watched the rest of the feast of fools. Smiling as she watched the humans laugh together.

Humans climbing onto the stage and being pulled up were dressed in odd, colourful masks. They were going to be unmasked to make an ugly face to be crowned the king of fools.

Y/N giggled and sat down as she saw Esmeraldo pull a cloaked figure on stage. The cloak fell off and the man beneath it stood at the end of the line as Esmeraldo walked to the other side of the line.

He then started to pull the masks off the men as they pulled funny faces, only to be kicked off the stage by a goat once they were booed, making Y/N giggle more and more.

Esmeraldo got to the last man, the previously cloaked one. As he tried to pull his mask off... They realised that it was his real face.

The crowd gasped in horror at his disfigured face while Y/N leaned closer while holding onto the roof. A slight blush covered her face as she looked at the man she immediately mistook as a fellow demon.

'Another demon?? Such a handsome one at that! Oh how delightful!' Y/N mused to herself.

'Only a demon man could have such an alluring beauty.'

"That's no mask!"

"It's his face!"

"He's hideous!"

'Hey!' Y/N thought.

"It's the bell ringer from Notre dame!" The crowd gasped, backing up from the stage slightly.

The poor man covered his face in shame before Clopin came to his rescue.

"Ladies and gentlemen, don't panic! We asked for the ugliest face in Paris, and here it is: Quasimodo, the hunchback of Notre dame!" Clopin yelled, placing a fake crown on his head.

The crowd cheered again as they rushed to the stage, before lifting the hunchback up.

They carried him to a different man sat in a chariot, and threw him out placing Quasimodo in it as Clopin sang.

They then walked him around above their heads. Y/N was surrounded by a column of fire for a moment before disappearing, only to reappear in a small booth with two other girls in the path of the chariot. Ultimately scaring the girls for a moment.

"Girls give a kiss!" Clopin sang as he walked past the booth. The girls kissed Quasimodo on the head as he passed.

Clopin turned his head just in time to see Y/N kiss Quasimodo on the forehead, leaving behind a black lipstick stain. Clopin fought back the jealousy in his stomach when he saw Quasimodo go bright red.

Y/N was once again surrounded by fire as she teleported back to her place on the roof.

Continuing the walk towards a podium of sorts, in front of a certain judge. Who was not best pleased to see Quasimodo there. Especially when he saw the lipstick stain on his forehead.

Clopin threw a kings cape over Quasimodo's shoulders, still singing. The crowned man teared up as the crowd sang along.

Chaos ensued within a small part of the crowd as drinks got involved. Including a man on stilts getting hit in the crotch by a bottle cork.

Quasimodo was handed a sceptre before gently pushed onto the platform above the crowd. He waved in happiness.

Clopin finished his song as confetti, coins and flowers were thrown at Quasimodo as the townfolk chanted his name. He had the biggest smile on his face and made Y/N's unbeating heart swoon at his adorableness.

Hunchback of Notre dame X Demon! readerWhere stories live. Discover now