Now to keep track of everyone, the government is trying to issue bands that people will be required to wear. This week the government will be discussing possible legislation to implement these into reality and tensions within communities are only rising because of it. There wasn't much we could do now that every military branch had been signed to follow The Sector's direction. They said this was a necessary evil and they were just bands anyway. So now that they had control over our armed forces they were now searching for a way to obtain control of the people as a whole. And I had no doubt they were capable of doing so now with all the power they held over us. "So, if you discover someone who possesses these abilities please inform any local authority immediately." The news anchor drowned on but I walked into the room and shut it off before I could hear any more on it.

People were scared; the ones with abilities, the ones who feared those with abilities, and everyone else in between. The world was falling into dark times and everyone knew what came next. We either accept the new reality when it hits us and fall in line or we risk the consequences that come to us when choosing to fight back. But I knew what to do, my mom taught me better, to keep my head down and do as I'm told. There was a part of me, something deep within, that wanted to resist, to fight. But I had to shove that part of me down where it belonged. My father taught me better than that.

"We are not having this discussion again. What they are doing is wrong!" I heard my mother's voice drift down the hall and I stepped to look around the corner. I could see my father standing in front of her in his uniform looking frustrated.

"This is my job and you know it! If you want to keep from being under scrutiny, from getting the wrong attention, then stay out of it!" My father whispered angrily while running his fingers through his hair. I took a step back from out of the hall not wanting to see them like this. The floorboard creaked beneath me and their heads snapped toward me.

"Luz sweaty," my mom wiped a tear from her eye before giving me a forced smile. "Are you ready for school?" She asked me and my father looked at her.

"I don't want to discuss this again." He mumbled before walking toward me with the warm smile I'd been used to. The tense atmosphere surrounding them dissipated as my mom adjusted her glasses and my father kneeled in front of me.

"Is this the new uniform?" He asked me and I nodded looking down at the Sector issued cargo pants and jacket. They were fairly plain with only their logo on the side of the arms by the shoulders. "It looks great on you. Look," he smirked pointing to his uniform, "it's almost like mine." At this, I smiled at him.

"Yeah, I'm a soldier like you!" I said excitedly and he gave me a high five before bringing me into a tight hug. He pulled back and looked almost proud to see me like this.

"Well, your old man has to get to work, but I hope you have a good day at school." He rested a hand on my shoulder before giving it a gentle squeeze and moving to stand. He slipped his uniform hat on his head before looking back at my mom with a regretful gaze. Stepping forward he took her hands in his.

"I don't want to fight." He told her softly and her shoulders seemed to fall. "Let's talk about this later okay?" He mumbled before kissing her forehead and heading out toward the door grabbing his ring of keys and his ID badge.

"Love you, dad!" I shouted and he chuckled before waving goodbye and heading through the door. I turned to mom and saw her brows furrowed with a contemplative look. "Mom, you look sad. Are you okay?" I asked her and she snapped from her train of thought.

"Oh Luz," she kneeled down and gave me a soft smile. "I'm okay." She said before adjusting the collar of my jacket and her smile fell. "Let's get you to school huh?" She went to stand up and I followed out to the car slipping my backpack over my shoulder.

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