7. Found you

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We were on our way back and explained everything that happened till now to Yang-sun, and she was very shocked. I mean, who wouldn't?
"You're a vampire too, Sung-yeol?" She asked.
"Yes." Sung-yeol answered her question.
The sun was already very low in the sky, but it still shone through the trees.
"Maybe we should go a little faster. The way is still very long, and otherwise, we won't make it before it gets dark." I interrupted their conversation.
"Yes, you're right. We should really walk a little faster." Sung-yeol agreed, so we all started to walk faster.

It was now completely dark, and we were still somewhere in the middle of the forest.
"Did we get lost?" Yang-sun asked and looked at me.
"No, of course not.....Are we?" I asked Sung-yeol.
He didn't respond.
"Sung-yeol?!" I waved with my hand in front of his face, and he quickly grabbed it.
"Stop that. It's annoying!"
"Then answer me!"
"We're not lost. We just....have to find the path again."
"That's the definition of 'lost'!"
"I'm scared..." I heard Yang-sun saying and turned around to her.
I put a hand on her shoulder.
"If something will attack us, we still have Sung-yeol. So don't be afraid."
"Thank you, Phoebe. You're such a nice person."
'Nice? Seriously? Nobody told me that before. The people always say that I'm cold and emotionless.' I thought to myself.

"I found a path!"
We ran to Sung-yeol and in front of him there was a path.
"Yay, we're not gonna die!" I said happily before we heard a deep voice behind us.
"I would not be so sure about that."
We all turned around and saw Gwi standing behind us.
"Who is that?" Yang-sun asked.
"Gwi!" Sung-yeol said angrily.
"Hello, Kim Sung-yeol." Gwi grinned evily.
"You know, I'm in a good mood tonight, so....give me the girl, and I'll let you and the little boy go home."
Sung-yeol walked protectively in front of me.
"Forget it! I won't let you get immortal!"
"Well then...I'll just take her and kill you both."

Gwi showed his vampire face, and Sung-yeol did the same before they ran towards each other and started fighting.
Yang-sun looked shocked, so I tried to speak to her calmly. "Yang-sun, listen. We have to run away. Sung-yeol will follow us, but we are humans and much slower!"
She nodded as a response, still terrified.
I took her hand and started running, literally dragging her behind me.

After a few seconds, she regained consciousness and started running herself. But since she was much slower than me, I still dragged her slightly behind me.

It was hard to follow the path because it was very dark and foggy so we could barely see anything.
"I can't run anymore....and we have to help Scholar!" Yang-sun said, and we both stopped running.
"How are you planning to help him? We're just humans, and Gwi's a vampire. I think it's much easier for Sung-yeol to fight if we aren't in his way."
"Yes, maybe you're right." She agreed.
"Of course I'm right, I'm always rig- Uh, I mean, yes, I'm often right."
"Do you think scholar is dead?"
"No, I don't think so..." I said while trying to sound optimistic.
"We should continue walking." I said, and Yang-sun and I continued our way, but this time a bit slower.
My heart froze when suddenly Gwi appeared in front of us.
He was covered in blood, but it wasn't his own.
"Did you really think you can run away from me?" He asked in that deep voice of his.
I looked at Yang-sun, and thoughts ran through my head. 'Should I sacrifice her to save my own life? I don't want to die. I don't even know her that much, so I couldn't care less about what happened to her. No. I can't do that, I'm not a bad person. People always call me egoistic. Now is the time where I can prove them wrong!'

I grabbed into my purse and pulled out a sword.
"Yang-sun, run away, NOW!" She hesitated for a moment, but after I looked at her very seriously, she began to run.

"What did you do to Sung-yeol?"
"Let's just say I didn't kill him, but he will die if nobody will help him." Gwi grinned before he continued. "That's funny. Do you really think that you can stop me with a sword? Ridiculous."
'He's completely right. It's ridiculous to fight an inhuman creature with a normal sword. I don't even know how to fight with it.' I tightened my grip around the sword.
"I'll still try it! I'll fight for my life!"
He laughed.

I got angry, and without thinking, I ran into Gwi's direction, with the sword in my hands.

Don't die!  (Gwi x OC)Where stories live. Discover now