4. The special girl

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I woke up and it was already morning. The sun shone in my face, so I sat up. I grabbed my phone and checked if I finally had a signal and received any messages.
I was really stupid to think that I would have a signal in another time period, but I still had to try it.
Suddenly the door swung open and I almost dropped my phone.
"You're finally awake. Come with me, you'll buy some things with me!"
I yawned.
"Alright, let me just change clothes first."
"But you're already wearing clothes?"
"Yes, but I want to wear something else, Scholar. So get out now!" I dropped one of my boots at him but missed. He looked at me angrily and was a bit annoyed.
"Then hurry up!" He said while closing the door.

I took my purse and remembered that thing with the jacket yesterday.
"What if I just..." I grabbed inside the purse and thought of dark grey pants. A second later, I pulled them out.
"Oh my God, this is amazing!"
I left on the shirt from yesterday and my boots but changed into the pants.
My long brown hair had gone really messy in the whole time, so I brushed them.
Then I put on some natural lipstick and went out, seeing the scholar waiting for me.

"Finally. Took you long enough!"
I rolled my eyes when we started walking.

"Your dressing style is......strange." He commented on my outfit. "Do people wear these kinds of things in your century?"
"Yes." I answered.
"Why do I even have to buy things with you?" I then asked while looking at him.
"I let you live in my house, so you can also help me!"
"Why do you even let me live in your house?"
"Obviously because you don't have a home here - Stop asking these stupid questions, just be happy!"
"I don't want to call you 'scholar' anymore. What's your name."
"Kim Sung-yeol."
"Can I call you Sung?"
"Okay then, Sung."
He gave me an annoyed look and we continued our little 'shopping trip'.

[After noon]

Kim Sung-yeol Pov.

After we brought the things that we've bought into the house, I told Phoebe to go outside and do something with Yang-sun.
After a little discussion, she finally went outside.
I stood on the balcony and was looking at the forest when I felt a presence behind me and quickly turned around.
"Oh, it's you."
It was Soo-Hyang, a friend of mine.
"Who was that girl? The one that was in the village with you?"
"She came here and has no home, so I thought she could live here."
"Come on, there has to be another reason. You can tell me."
I looked at her.
"Okay, fine. Do you remember that girl that Gwi is looking for? It's her."
"What? Are you sure?"
"Yes, I could smell it in her blood. I just hope that Gwi didn't notice it when he almost bit her.."
I turned around and started to watch the sun slowly disappear.

Phoebe Pov.

"I think we should go back. It's getting dark." I said while watching Yang-sun childishly playing in the water.
"Why? There're no dangerous creatures in the forest!"
'If she would know...' I thought to myself.
"Well, yes, but....I'm a little bit afraid of the darkness, so....can we please go?"
"Fine, I'm coming." She said and came out of the water.

"Why are you dressing up as a boy?" I asked her out of nowhere.
"What, how do you know?"
"I could see right away that you are a girl."
"I- uh......I have my reasons..." She looked away, and I felt bad for asking.
"You don't have to tell me... I mean, we've just met..."

After a few minutes of walking, I started worrying because it was now dark.
"How far is it?" I asked her.
"I don't know. But don't worry. As I said before, here is nothing that can harm us!" She smiled warmly.
"You can never be sure..." I said while looking around.
"Why are you so scared? Did something happen yesterday in the forest?"
"Uh, no." I lied and turned away.

Another 30 minutes passed, and I slowly started to get paranoid. I always thought I heard something in every bush we passed and when I suddenly heard an owl, I screamed. Yang-sun looked at me like she wanted to say,'What is wrong with you?'

Finally we arrived at the village and I sprinted into 'my' room.
I lay down onto the mattress, and Yang-sun came into the room.
"Yes?" I asked her.
"I don't want to go home that late at night....can I sleep here?"
I smiled and nodded. Then I grabbed some other blankets and a mattress and layed it on the ground.

She lay down as well, and we talked till we both fell asleep.

A sudden noice woke me up, and I quickly sat up. I looked over to Yang-sun, but she was sleeping.
There was this sound again. It came from outside. I stood up and grabbed a knife out of my purse before I slowly walked to the door. I opened it and looked outside. Nothing.
Nobody answered.
"Mh, maybe I just imagined it." I tried to calm myself down, but when I wanted to go inside, a strong hand grabbed my shoulder and pulled me back.

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