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(brenner never dies)

 Now, A1 and 001 were running.

Sprinting more like it, sprinting through the halls, through the lab, just like they had when they were sixteen. But this time was going to be different.

It had to be.

Turning a corner, A1 took down the guard, using her own telekinesis while 001 waited for his mental energy to come back, the headache slowly ebbing away.

This time, they had no food, no supplies, barely even a plan. But 001 had decided that that maybe that was going to be the reason they successfully escaped. Spontaneity might throw Brenner off for just enough time to escape. Or kill him. Or both, 001 hoped. A1 tugged on his hand and they took off again, ducking down the cold, empty, dark corridors. They did their best to avoid cameras, but as 001 had told A1, he wasn't too worried about them. After all, if Brenner was coming for them, Brenner was coming for them. And only one or the other would be coming out alive. 001 would make sure of it. He would not let A1 be taken from him again, for death was the better option than that.

Finally, if his calculations were correct, they were about halfway through the lab when he started hearing guards. Surprisingly, the sound of the boots running on the cold floor and the safety switch of guns being turned off made him more aware than afraid. It snapped him back into focus, his senses sharpening despite the headache. He wasn't sixteen anymore, he was ready for a fight and more than ready to kill. After all, ten years in the lab without being allowed to do practically anything had made him restless. And angry. The anger had festered beneath his skin, growing every time he had to bite his tongue or think of A1 or even just look at Brenner. It boiled every time the kids were used, every time he was talked down on, every time he was hit. And now it was at its peak, ready to be thrown out at everybody standing in their way.

"Stand down, Peter, this can end without you getting hurt," a voice warned from around the next bend of the hallway. An unamused laugh shook his body, which slowly turned to a dark, raspy, "Oh really?" that he called out back to the guard who had spoken.

He turned the corner, ignoring A1's attempt to yank him back around the corner. He lifted his hands, feigning innocence, though all that shone in his eyes was a dark, deep hatred. A black abyss, honed in on the soldiers lining the hall.

"Is that what Brenner told you? That none of us will get hurt if I cooperate? As if he hasn't hurt me before, hurt us over and over, mentally, emotionally, as if everything he's done to us hasn't been some form of abuse? Oh, but 'nobody has to get hurt''" he hissed, the last mocking part coming out as more of a growl, hisanger seeping into his voice.

The guards simply exchanged looks, guns pointed to the floor, and 001 had had enough. He stepped forward, throwing his hand out, his anger mixing with his powers into something ruthless, ripping through the guards. 001 relished the sound of each neck snapping, each bone splintering, each life seeping out. When he drew his powers back in, the headache dulled to nearly nothing, as if the guards' lives had made him stronger. As if they had made him stronger. He turned back to A1, who was watching, transfixed, and he nodded to the dead guards. She met his gaze, looking worried, not triumphant, before running forward and grabbing a gun, 001 coming over to do the same.

And then they were off again, each guard they met had their neck snapped before they could even think to raise their guns. And with each death, 001 felt more powerful, drinking in the lives like wine, his powers returning to him stronger than ever, as if the chip had never affected him.

Finally, right near the exit, a line of guards was waiting. A smile quirked the edge's of 001's mouth, as he readied to snap their necks with one quick-

"Stand down or I'll shoot her."

He spun around, and almost lost it, for Brenner was standing there, holding a gun to A1's head. Her eyes were wide with terror, and a chill ripped through his body. When did he have time to grab her? She had been behind him just a moment before. But that didn't matter now. He could try and snap Brenner's neck, but if he used his last moments to shoot, all of this would be for nothing. He stayed still, fist clenched at his side, seething.

"Ah, see, I'm glad we could see reason. You see, I'm afraid I cannot let you two go, for your powers are too... might I say, undeveloped, for the world to see."

001's gaze flicked down from Brenner's to A1's and his eyes widened ever so slightly when he met her gaze. She was staring at him, anger showing clearly in her eyes. She then flicked her gaze down to her hands, and he risked a glance down for a mere moment. Her hands were pinned down by Brenner's free arm. It pressed across her ribs, trapping her and her arms all in one movement. But her hands were free to move, and were facing each other, fingers moving as though gathering something between her hands.

Oh- he realized, his mind flashing back to the lesson he had seen with her, Tate, and the rabbit. When he met her gaze again she risked a bit of a victorious smile, though it was more of a smirk. Brenner had paused in his speech, and that was when A1 made her move.

She yanked her arms forward, a gold glow flashing between her hands. She twisted out of his grasp, and ripped her arms towards herself and then out. Brenner fell forwards, the bright gold band of power connecting from his chest to her hands yanking away from him. He lay motionless, his skin as pale as the walls that trapped them. When he looked up again, the guards all had a similar tether connecting to the glowing gold ball of energy A1 held between her hands. She grit her teeth, the tautness of her powers testing her.

"Make any moves and you'll all die right along with me" she spat, her voice strained.

The guard's all looked terrified, some even having dropped their guns to look at the tether. 001 was impressed. It was like she had managed to form the lifeforce of each person into a physical thing. The heat, the power of a person that 001 managed to take over when he killed them was connected from her hands to their bodies. A1 looked up at him with an almost annoyed expression, and he nearly jumped. He forgot it was his time to act. He used his powers almost absentmindedly, with a jerk of his head the guns held by the soldiers flew out of their hands and clattered to the floor. A1 released her hands, nearly shaking, before yanking them close to herself again. There was an indescribable noise, like the soul being visibly ripped from a body, and the tethers vanished, the guards all collapsing. He ran forward to A1 and she leaned on him, her palms still glowing a faint gold. Her pupils were wide, and she was breathing irregularly, but they still managed to run.

Out of the lab, out into the world they ran.

The Spark. (001/Peter Ballard/Henry Creel Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now