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 It had been a week since that day and yet he still couldn't stop thinking about her. She was like a pest in his mind, a constant thought dragging him down with worries and theories. He scoffed every time she popped into his mind, after all, she was nothing more than a mere subject, a rat in the wheel of Papa's lab. And yet he couldn't stop thinking about her.

He was losing it. He must've been, there was no other explanation for his traitorous brain distracting him from what he needed to focus on.

Harnessing his power.

Training his mind.

Finding a way to break this damn place.

And yet, she had shown immense power too. Maybe if they worked together they would be stronger, his horrible mind whispered.

After the sixth day of this, he decided he needed to see her. To truly remind himself how insignificant she was in his life. That she didn't matter. Definitely not to see her again.

And so, he found himself wandering the same path as before, down the same dark corner, straight into the same chilling hallway. He was hit with a wave of deja-vu from the first day, and ran his hands through his hair to try and rid of it.

This time, when he approached the door, it was unlocked. He pressed his hand to it and stepped inside, drawing in a nervous, needed breath as he did so.

"Do you ever knock?" a sharp voice snapped, and he looked up to see the same girl as last time buttoning the last of the buttons on her black uniform.

"Oh please, we both know you wouldn't mind me walking in at any time, now would you?" he remarked back with a smirk, sauntering over to her bed and leaning back onto it, crossing his arms above his head. Maybe this is why he came here, because he enjoyed the person he was around her. That relaxed, overly cocky persona she caused him to be.

"I'm quite sure i would" she retorted, walking over and angrily adjusting the pillows and sheets he had messed up around him. One of the pillows "accidentally" smacked his face on the way by and his hand shot up to catch her wrist. Her wrist burned hot against his cold skin and his eyes snapped to hers, the intensity in his stare holding hers there.

Then the moment passed. He seemed to have realized what he just did and dropped his hand quickly, letting her wrist fall. She glanced down at the fallen pillow and then back up, an expression of more curiosity then hostility showing upon her face. He quickly got up, and stepped around her towards the door, looking more flushed. Then a grin slipped onto her lips, and with the flick of her hand the door closed and she stepped closer.

"You can't leave now that you've caught my interest and interrupted my free time." she decided, stepping even closer.

"Oh please, as if I didn't catch your attention sooner." he snapped back, a smirk crossing his face as he walked forward to circle around her slowly, his eyes tracing her body.

She let out a short laugh, almost offended by his words.

"Trust me, 001, you need to do a lot more than try and annoy me to catch my attention." She put emphasis on his name, or rather number, as she looked up at him with crossed arms. "However, lucky for you, something about you still makes me want to know you. Perhaps it was your gaze-" she used one hand to loosely motion towards his eyes, "- or this." she added, using her other hand to run her hand up his arm, lifting his sleeve.

He sucked in a sharp breath at the feeling of his very cool skin against her very hot skin, like fire and ice, the feeling of someone completely opposite to him running her hand along his arm, the feeling of skin on skin.

He pulled his arm away with a short laugh, mostly to break out of the mental hold she had on him. "Trust me, there's a lot more than eyes and hands that can impress you".

"Oh yeah? Go on then."


Sorry for the short chapter, very busy today!

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