Chapter 8

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Kayla's p.o.v.
I saw Marcios car in my parents driveway so I knew something was up so when I walked in the house and up to my room I seen a whole bunch of flowers and candies, teddy bears literally everything and then on top of one of the teddies I seen a letter it said:
Dear, Kayla I'm so sorry for what you saw yesterday could we please talk or something I really love you and I really want to see you baby I need you and I feel so sad and lonely when I'm not talking to you could we please talk
Love, Marcio

I had to admit I really did feel some type of way about the letter but it still doesn't explain why he bullies my best friend, so after that I fell asleep thinking should I talk to him or nah?

I know this is short but I really couldn't think of anything besides I have to do testing tommorow soon yeah

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