Chapter 76

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Chapter 76

    "Miss, wake up."

    "Miss." The

    noisy voice became louder and louder, Bai Yueli frowned, and her consciousness gradually gathered.

    Slowly opening her eyelids, the neon light pouring in from the window was extremely dazzling. She squinted her eyes and looked at it for a long time. The blurry mass in front of her finally turned into a human shape.

    "Miss, it's the stop." The driver brother saw that she finally woke up, and reminded him friendly.

    Bai Yueli looked at it in confusion for a while, a little surprised. Looking out of the window, it was completely dark, and the streets beside the road were full of traffic.

    Breathing is a bit stuffy, and there are bouts of dull pain in the head.

    Until now, I still haven't figured out how I fell asleep just now, so that I sat past the stand.

    This feeling is very strange, it seems that it has only been bumpy for half an hour, and it seems that it has been wandering for a long time, so long that when she opened her eyes again, she didn't know where she was and why she was here.

    It took me a while to remember the timeline:

    Ji Ci had been in a coma in the hospital for more than a month. She visited the hospital today and took the bus home, and then fell asleep.

    I guess it's because of too many negative emotions and frequent insomnia during this time.

    She politely thanked the driver, and was about to get up when a heavy object on her lap fell off, Bai Yueli reacted, but was a step slower.

    With a "snap", the thing fell heavily on the ground, knocking and spinning at all four corners, and every part was not spared, and fell to the driver's feet.

    He picked it up for her and handed it to her.

    "Thank you." Bai Yueli murmured, staring at the thing in her hand without blinking.

    This is Ji Ci's camera.

    There are many traces of time engraved on the fuselage, these are nothing, just some skin trauma, a few corners were knocked off just now, and the lens was also cracked.

    Bai Yueli tried to use it, but the camera was pitch black, it seemed that it had been broken.

    Putting it back into the bag silently, she sighed.

    After getting out of the car, the surrounding scenery is fairly familiar. The cold Night Breeze ignored the material of the clothes on his body and invaded inside recklessly.

    Bai Yueli was much more awake than when she was in the car, and gradually felt her own existence.

    But for some reason, she still felt that the time on the bus was very long, as if she had experienced a lot, but it was only more than half an hour when she counted it down.

    If you want to recall deeply, it is like stepping into the territory marked as "forbidden zone". Once you want to touch it, you will feel dull pain and you will not be able to recall it.

    She had to give up.

    It's past eight o'clock in the evening, and the starting point of this bus is only three stops away from the People's Hospital where Ji Ci is located.

    She had only come to visit, but for some reason, she still wanted to go.

    A kind of deep reluctance, not having time to say goodbye, made her want to find a place to release. And the only person who can make her feel so hard to let go is Ji Ci in the hospital.

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