Chapter 69

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Chapter 69

    There are a total of six buildings in the undergraduate dormitory of University A, and Ji Ci's dormitory is the farthest from Bai Yueli's, separated by a path of about 100 meters.

    Bai Yueli walked back leisurely after watching Ji Ci go upstairs.

    Her appearance is outstanding and gentle, she exudes the graceful temperament of an oriental girl, and she is in a good mood tonight, making her a beautiful landscape in the eyes of outsiders.

    The passing freshmen respected her very much, and the short greeting was full of tension and excitement.

    After saying hello to a school girl, a tall and slender figure of Zhuang Su came towards him. The smile remaining at the corner of Bai Yueli's mouth froze slightly, and within three seconds he regained his composure from the surprise.

    "You're back?"

    "Yeah." Jing Man responded lightly, her face was stern and indifferent, she was dedicated to herself, and she seemed to have only superficial affection for everyone.

    But when facing Bai Yueli alone, her eyes would unnaturally gather on her. But that superficial concern was hidden under her solemn appearance to the point that there was no trace of it left.

    She saw the edge of her beautiful lips glowing unnaturally red, and that image suddenly appeared in her mind again, and contrary to her cold temper, she was one of the few people who asked about other people's affairs: "I don't go to the competition, just to Have you been in the sun for more than 20 days?"

    Bai Yueli smiled irrelevantly: "There will be opportunities in the future."

    Jing Man didn't say anything, and there was no emotion on her delicate face.

    After the two of them staggered away a few tens of meters away, she suddenly stopped, looked back and took a deep look, and the girl's figure just happened to disappear at the corner of the stairs.

    After a few seconds, she also walked away. ,

    Unknowingly, the military training came to an end.

    Then came the welcome party and the opening ceremony.

    Ji Ci still remembered that just after the autumnal equinox two years ago, she was the one who came to look for Bai Yueli around this time, and in a blink of an eye, she has also become the group of people sitting in the audience admiring.

    The opening ceremony was held in the comprehensive gymnasium, and the areas were divided according to shifts. Ji Ci sat in a row with her roommates. The counselor was standing obliquely in front of them, and Jiang Shuangquan was still fearless, sharing with them the gossip he had inquired in the past few days.     For example, who will come to the opening ceremony this time, the representative of the freshmen who gave a speech has participated in the same competition as her before, and the results are not as good as hers, and so on.     At the end, she stared comfortably at the busy podium at that time, and said with emotion: "Ah, there is one more, I can see my goddess again, sure enough, what did that sentence say, as long as the person you like is good enough , you have many chances to meet each other, Nannan, don’t you think so?”     “Yes, yes.” Ding Yinan echoed her with a smile.     Ji Ci propped his head on one hand, listening to their conversation boredly, when suddenly, Ding Yinan cueed: "By the way, Ci Bao, where does your girlfriend go to school? I never heard you mention it."     "Ah?" Ji Ci was in a trance for a while, and just when he didn't know how to answer, the gentle counselor finally couldn't help listening to them chattering: "Stop talking, didn't you see that the leader has been staring at our place?"     The two who talked the most nodded guiltyly.     Ji Ci breathed a sigh of relief.     The ceremony officially started. Top schools like University A have always had a good style of study. Everyone gathered on the same campus after a series of screening and assessment. Of course, there is nothing to say about self-discipline. The atmosphere is a little serious, and the hall is so quiet You can hear it all the way down.     The first is to raise the national flag, and after playing the national anthem, the school anthem is played, and then the leaders and student representatives make speeches.     After all, everyone has read books for so many years, and the most important thing to listen to is the leader's speech. How many people can really listen to these clichés from beginning to end? It is better to memorize a few more words and conceive a few more problem-solving methods .     Even when Bai Yueli, who was very popular among the freshmen group, came to the stage to give a speech, it was only for a moment that she amazed everyone.

    Bai Yueli was originally reluctant to accept this job, she didn't like the feeling of being in the limelight. However, the director took her to talk about it, saying that she was the face of the school, and that such an important position on the school's official website was given to you, and you couldn't do it if you didn't come.

    So she had no choice but to be respectful rather than obedient.

    The manuscript was conceived by her during the military training of freshmen. After a few private practice sessions, she could basically memorize it halfway. She is a liberal arts major, so things like memorization should not be too simple for her.

    "Hello, everyone," said an impassioned alpha boy who spoke in front of her. The microphone was turned on very low, and her voice was relatively soft, so that when it was her turn, the voice in the huge hall seemed a little low. After the adjustment, she said Then he continued: "Hello everyone, I am Bai Yueli from the Language Institute."     Several pairs of eyes in the audience stared at her with high spirits, which was completely different from just now. It is said that many stars in the entertainment circle are not as good-looking as her.     "I'm honored to have the opportunity to stand here and speak to you on behalf of the junior students..."     Some clichés had to be written, and it turned out that even she didn't like to listen to such boring things, but They still listened to the speech with dignity and cooperation, but it was not clear whether their minds were following her manuscript.     "Over the two years I have spent in University A, this venue, these chairs, and the buildings outside have all witnessed my growth," Bai Yueli turned over a page of his speech, and the following text has not yet been written. She revealed, but her voice did not stop: "Thanks to the cultivation of the school, I was fortunate to participate in some competitions and get the rankings. Not only the gains in my resume, but also in the past two years..."     She paused , her eyes shuttled among the crowd in the audience, she said calmly, "I have gained a beautiful love."     The moment she was reading the manuscript, the venue was terribly quiet, and suddenly it exploded, causing the audience to be in an uproar.     She was about to continue talking, but the constant rushing noise completely covered her voice, so she had to stop.     "Ahhhhh!"     "Ahhh!"

    Jiang Shuangquan was out of his mind for a while just now, and was suddenly awakened by screams, and hurriedly asked the people next to him: "What did senior sister just say?

    " My love, ahh, I’m dead."

    "My mother." It’s

    no wonder they were so excited, at the opening ceremony, not one person in a hundred said such things, not to mention that Bai Yueli was in the freshman group. The popularity in Li is quite high, and many people can see her at a glance when they go to the official website to inquire about information, and when they are an assistant counselor leading a class, they also brush their faces.

    In private, many people gossip about her private life. Some say she is in love and some say she is not in love. Right now, there is nothing more convincing than self-explosion in front of so many people.

    The hall has not been quiet for a long time, and Ji Ci's eyes are fixed on Bai Yueli, and the rest of the people seem superfluous in her eyes.


    The author has something to say:

    Is the daily life of these chapters a bit too intensive QAQ, just one or two more chapters will be fine.

    It’s almost over, thank you very much for your support to Bacteria, when I came back and found that there are still many cuties waiting to be updated, I was really touched, I couldn’t handle my mentality well, I really want to put this I wrote it well, but I found that the problems that occurred in the previous two books continued to appear in this book. I can bear myself once or twice, but the third time I was really hit, and the feeling of being unable to do what I wanted was too strong.

    My essays are basically weak plots, with a lot of psychological descriptions but not so delicate. If it is an author with a clearer mind, he can almost finish writing with 200,000 words, but I want 300,000. Unintentionally, it caused I am very clear about the feeling of "hydrology" for you, and I have been reflecting on it. After the return, I intentionally or unintentionally want to speed up the rhythm. I don't know if you can feel it.

    It's getting too far, so much, just treat it as my emo late at night.

    Thanks again for your support!

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