Chapter 45

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Chapter 45

    Ji Ci just got used to Bai Yueli's teasing, her mouth was empty in a flash, without lingering, no fragrance, her tongue was itchy, for her it was over before it started, she looked bewildered and aggrieved.

    Until Bai Yueli's elegant voice reached her ears, the bright smile on the other person's face infected her, and she seemed to be very useful for this reference answer.

    If the senior only replied "dislike" or "like", then she thought that she might immediately express her disappointment with the former, but if it was the latter, she must have smiled and said "really?" in disbelief

    . This action was far more shocking than simply responding to her likes or dislikes. Just like this, she didn't know what to say or make some expressions, so she just drooped a little shyly. She turned her head and used her special tone for Bai Yueli: "Senior sister~"

    Bai Yueli's eyes seemed to be softened, just when she raised her hand to touch Ji Ci's face, the girl in front of her From top to bottom, it turns into small light spots, fluttering in the air like smoke, until it becomes completely transparent.

    Bai Yueli finally reached out with one hand.

    Her willow eyebrows were slightly frowned, she hadn't woken up to the accident, and the surroundings suddenly turned around, and she was also mixed into the chaos with this corner. It suddenly appeared in front of her eyes.

    She was back where she was.

    However, there is only one door left.

    Bai Yueli's hand was stuck on the doorknob. This time, she didn't pull down the doorknob as decisively as the previous two times. She paused, with hesitation flashing in her eyes, and then she made the movement to pull the door.

    In this scene, there is no other scenery around, only a road like a train track, winding and long, with no end in sight, and the road at the end is blended into the vast night. A woman stood at the intersection, graceful, dignified and elegant, staring straight at the girl who broke into this place.     "Mom." Bai Yueli looked at the woman in disbelief, her worries when she opened the door had already run to the sky, she couldn't control her legs, and walked towards the woman quickly.

    "Yueyue." The woman smiled gently.

    The grown-up Bai Yueli has eyebrows and eyes that somewhat resemble her.

    "Are you alone, how are you doing?" The woman stroked her head and looked at her fondly.

    Bai Yueli pursed her lips, she didn't answer no or yes, there was a bit of stubbornness in her eyes.

    "Mom is having a hard time alone." The woman's eyes were full of tenderness, and she said slowly, "If you can't hold on anymore, just follow me."

    Bai Yueli looked up at her, and the high wall that had been built up in her heart for so many years suddenly disappeared. It collapsed. If she could be with her mother, then she would never have those troubles again, and she would still be the carefree girl who would be supported even when the sky fell.

    She didn't refuse, nor was she in a hurry to agree, the woman stretched out a hand, spread her palm, and continued to guide her: "Yueyue, come with me, you can't bear to part with your mother, right?"

    Bai Yueli stared at the woman gently The face, the high wall that imprisoned her collapsed completely, and even her eyes became blurred. She stretched out her hand involuntarily, placed it gently on the woman's palm, finally made up her mind, and nodded.

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