Only then did she completely calm down.

    The rain gradually increased, and the heavy rain poured down. With the roar, it seemed that the sky was about to collapse.

    The siren sound suddenly sounded in Ji Ci's heart.

    not good!

    Why did she leave Bai Yueli there alone! If it rains so heavily, won't she be drenched all night if she is unconscious? This will ruin your brain.

    The red figure flickered to green,

    Ji Ci didn't care about so many U-turns and ran away.

    Under such a heavy rain, no pedestrians can be seen on the street. Ji Ci is not sure if he is lucky. No one at least does not have to worry about the heroine who has not passed the estrus period being coveted by others, but at the same time, she also lost being saved by kind people. possible.

    Ji Ci almost ran back,

    and when she reached the dark grove, she stepped in every corner one by one, but she couldn't find any trace of the heroine.

    Ji Ci wiped away the rain that blocked her sight, and a trembling voice resounded through the forest:

    "Bai Yueli!"

    "Senior sister!"

    "Bai Yueli!"

    After going around in a circle and returning to the original point, Ji Ci put his hands on his knees and panted.

    How to do?

    She has always been good at solving problems, and there are no partial subjects in the six subjects, which can be regarded as an excellent product that perfectly copes with exam-oriented education.

    However, when encountering such a problem,

    no matter how capable she is and how familiar she is with this book, she can't predict the future direction.

    The plot began to collapse as the male lead gave her the blackboard task. It was supposed to be the male lead marking the female lead to achieve their first bond tonight, but now it has become the female lead marking her in reverse. The male protagonist who was supposed to appease the female protagonist in estrus called the hospital, but now she ran away after being bitten by the female protagonist, and now the other party is nowhere to be seen.

    Ji Ci was so annoyed,

    why did he just run away on his own?

    Ji Ci almost lost her mind and walked to a gazebo. She was drenched and ran back just now, but she no longer had the energy to run back.

    And I don't have the strength anymore.

    With this weak body, making her run wild for four miles is already an act of cheating.

    She hugged her legs tightly and curled up into a ball, and the rain dripped from her body. What is worrying now is not just thinking about the plot.

    Where did Bai Yueli go?

    There shouldn't be any other people here, if so, she wouldn't dare to think about it further.

    Hey, I hope she wakes up and walks back by herself.

    Ji Ci was immersed in his imagination, when suddenly a ray of light came, which was particularly dazzling under the projection of the rain.

    She shaded the light, and the

    person who came was an old man with a slightly fat body.

    The old man held up an umbrella himself and carried one in his hand.

    Seeing the girl's face clearly, the old man was both surprised and delighted: "Xiao Ci."

    Ji Ci immediately understood that

    this was the original owner's grandmother, Ji Liangying's adoptive mother.

    Regardless of the water level covering the tongue of the shoe, the old man walked towards her quickly, and the splash of water splashed her pants.

    "It's raining, come on, let's go home and take a hot shower."

    Ji Ci got up with her help, for

    some reason, she was quite embarrassed when she saw this kind of wrinkled old man. Moreover, the old man couldn't wait for his granddaughter to come home so late, what kind of mood did he come out to find someone under such heavy rain.

    The old man took off the wet backpack for her: "Is it cold?"

    Ji Ci didn't know how to answer.

    Yes, it was quite cold, but her heart was already filled with other emotions.

    The old man acquiesced that she was cold, "Take off your clothes and wear grandma's."

    She stared blankly at the old man,

    these words were very familiar, as if she had returned to many years ago.

    She didn't speak, and her vicissitudes of hands acted on their own, making gestures to take off the clothes on her body and give them to her.

    "I'm not cold," Ji Ci said hastily.

    The girl's voice was waxy, as if she was acting like a baby.

    "...Grandma." In the latter address, she watched the other party's expression carefully and said carefully.

    The old man was slightly taken aback, and

    stopped undressing.

    The corners of Ji Ci's lips were slightly curved, and his eyelashes were wet, fluttering and flickering, which was extremely moving.

    Great, she can be called grandma again.

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