Start from the beginning


In the living room, everyone was gathered on the couch, engrossed in the movie playing in front of them

Harper sat snugly between Bree and Chase, wrapped in a blue blanket. They all shared a bowl popcorn, eagerly munching on the kernels.

Meanwhile Leo was stuck in the kitchen, diligently washing the dishes.

"Leo!" Tasha voice rang out, startling Leo, causing him to drop a plate that shattered on the floor. "I said no move. First, you won't do the dishes, then you break them?"

"Hey, you said you hate looking at dirty dishes and that's one less to look at." Leo retorted sarcastically.

"That is it. No TV for the rest of the week." Tasha declared firmly.

"That's not fair." He protested. "By the way, I've seen this movie. I wouldn't get too attached to that dog."

Adam, Bree, Chase and Harper gasped in shock and disbelief at Leo's revelation.

"Leo!" Harper groaned in exasperation.

Leo raised his hands in surrender before making a quick exit to the lab, taking the elevator down. As the elevator descended, he braced himself for what awaited him.

Upon reaching the lab, he was met with a startling sit- the Proton Fuser was active, and a blue wormhole had materialized in the centre of the room.

"I'm just gonna go ahead and say it... This isn't gonna end well." Leo muttered to himself.

Before he could react, Leo was pulled into the swirling wormhole, disappearing from the lab in an instant.


Parallel Universe

It had been a challenging morning for Leo. He woke up in the lab, confused about what had happened and in need of a bathroom break.

When he stepped out of the elevator into the kitchen, he was surprised to see all the furniture was white. Tasha, his mother, appeared in a suit engaged in a phone call.

As Leo watched his mother fire someone, he accidentally broke a vase. He immedaitely apologized to her. 

To his surprise, Tasha told him not to worry about it, as she could afford a thousand cases, thanks to being a billionaire and the inventor of Tasha Technologies. 

As she opened the front door, she asked Leo to toss the keys. He picked up the keys and tossed them to her. Expecting Tasha to catch them, they keys instead penetrated the front door.

Much to his surprise, Leo asked his mother what he had just done. Tasha said that the throw was a good one and that he had taken out the Goldberg's mailbox. She then told her son to remember not to use his bionics at school.

It was revealed that Leo could shoot lightning out of his fingers, had super speed, super strength and super smarts.

This Parallel Universe also had a different Mr. Davenport. He was Tasha's lab assistant and revealed that she didn't allow him to go upstairs without her. He wasn't an official inventor. His inventions either didn't work or burst into flames. But he did mention that he had just finished a prototype of a Proton Fuser.

Leo was now walking through the school hallways of Mission Creek High. He passed through the door frame, entering the busy halls. Principal Perry spun around as she held up a tray filled with fresh chocolate chip cookies; her flowery dress flared at the knees.

To Capture a Heart • Chase Davenport Where stories live. Discover now