Yin and Yang

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     After reading Vania's letter saying that she would want to be with Cole forever, Cole had suddenly regretted sending his letter to Vania. What would she think? 

     Now, Cole had two choices: to either tell his friends about it, and they would give him good advice, but they will not stop teasing him; or to just solve this problem by himself, and end up getting embarrassed in the Kingdom of Shintaro. But, as of right now, Cole did not care even if he was going to be teased for life. He had to stop the postman before it was too late!

     Cole had sprinted towards the training room, where the other Ninja were training. As the others saw Cole's aghast face, they stopped training, and turned to Cole instead.

     "What's up?" asked Kai. "Your face. It just looks... odd."

      Nya then hit her brother, and said, "Of course something's wrong!"

     "Well, what's wrong?" asked Lloyd.

     And Cole ended up saying everything he had done in the letter, and what was written inside the message sent by Vania. Everyone did not react as much as Cole had expected, but it was better than having them gasp, sigh, and all those other dramatic things that they mostly do every single time.

      Only Nya seemed to understand everything he had just explained. The other Ninja looked as if they were just told a very sophisticated math problem, and is now trying to solve it. 

      "I gotta be honest here," said Jay, after everything had been cleared. "I did not understand a thing you just said."

      "Well, I don't think you should do anything," said Nya calmly, now going back to her training. "She'll just probably disregard the letter you had just sent, and move on to her regular queenly life, you know."

     "So, just nothing?" repeated Cole. 

      Nya nodded.

      "Alright, then,"

       But as Cole was about to leave the training room, he accidentally met Master Wu on the way. He did not look quite happy.

      "Training, now!" said Master Wu, pointing his bamboo staff towards the room. "No excuses!"

      Cole groaned and he went to training with his friends, who were unexpectedly very quiet the whole time they trained.

      "Why are you so silent?" Cole suddenly burst out. "You're usually all very chatty, and today, you're just, quiet."

       "Can't find anything to talk about," said Jay. "How 'bout you?"


       The whole day, the Ninja trained, making all of them immensely sleepy and tired. Even Cole had forgotten everything about the note he gave to Vania earlier. She had probably already opened and read the message, but as Nya had said, just do nothing.

       As morning came, the postman arrived as usual. He knocked on the Monastery gates, and, since no one was up at that time, he just left it on the threshold of the Monastery.

      "Up, Ninjas!" called the voice of Master Wu, at the crack of dawn. "Today, I will be teaching you various methods on defeating your enemy."

     "Do you mean by making them your friend?" said Kai, drowsily. "Because, no offense and all, but you already taught us that before."

     "Yes, I am very well aware of that," said Master Wu icily. "but today we shall have a different method. It is called-"


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