Chapter 17

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The next morning I'm really nervous, I hope Tom forgot about our conversation yesterday, but I don't know if that's the case.

Unfortunately, we have Potions after lunch, so the chances of him forgetting are not very big... When we enter the dungeons it feels ten times colder than it usually is, nervously I walk hand-in-hand with Tom past Snape. But Tom doesn't say anything to him, I could cheer and suppress a gigantic smile.

There is one very big downside though when Snape starts talking his voice reminds me of all the things Mattheo-Snape said to me yesterday;

"You became my world", "I had to feed you chicken soup for three days" and every time the strict professor passes by our kettle I can see his tears, and I feel "our" hug again.

I make unobtrusive eye contact with Mattheo, which isn't hard since he's staring at me every lesson, and I make it clear to him that it is so weird to see Snape now. Mattheo smiles a little, it is obvious that he feels disheartened by the situation between me and his brother.

I quickly break eye contact again because I'm afraid Tom will notice.

In the middle of Snape's explanation, Tom raises his hand, "Yes, Mister Riddle?" says Snape instantly, because Tom is his favourite student.

"I was wondering something, Professor... Yesterday you took Jane on to discuss something, what were you speaking about?" Tom watches with a smile as I freeze, for a millisecond I let my eyes go over Mattheo, who curses under his breath. "I did not have a conversation with Miss Lupin yesterday."

Tom puts his hand on mine, to others it's nothing more than an expression of his love, but I know it's a forewarning of the things he's going to do to me once we're out of this room.

"I'm sorry, Professor, I must have been mistaken." Snape goes back to his lesson and doesn't think much of it, but I'm not paying attention anymore, because Tom brings his lips to my ear.

"I can see Mattheo looking at you, I'm not stupid, sweetheart." His whisper sends shivers down my spine and I fix my eyes on the floor, determined not to look at him.

"Sorry to disturb you again, Professor, but Jane isn't feeling too well, may I take her to Madame Pomfrey?"

"You may. Mattheo, take notes for your brother." "I'm going with them," Mattheo says to Snape as he rises from his chair. "No, you won't." "But Snape, I don't feel well either." "It's Professor Snape to you. And you stay here."

Tom packs up our things, pulls me out of the dungeons with a smile and takes me to an empty classroom.

"So he used a Polyjuice potion?" he says as he pulls me against him. "Tom, I'm sorry-" "Tell me what happened. And don't you dare keep anything from me, I'll find out." "Three days ago when I went to the toilets, Pansy gave me a letter saying-" "Do you still have that letter?" I nod and take the piece of parchment from my pocket, where it is snatched from my trembling hand. Tom reads the letter and I see him slowly getting furious, "Do you really believe his lies? Why should I sacrifice you? I love you, Jane, but apparently, you don't love me."

"I do love you, Tom, I've never loved anyone as much-" "You're just using me, aren't you? You are using me to make Mattheo jealous, to get attention from that liar." "No! I'm not using you, I'd rather die than use you-" "You're a horrible person, Jane, I do so much for you and yet you still lie to me, and meet up with my brother behind my back."

"Tom, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry..."

"I have forgiven you so many times, but every time you go behind my back again, don't you know how horrible I feel because of you?" Tears collect in my eyes, he's right, I've done this so many times now... And every time he gives me another chance, I keep screwing it up, no wonder he doesn't trust me anymore.

"I'm sorry, give me one last chance, I will never betray your trust again..." Tom pulls me towards him by my tie so that my face is an inch away from his. "I love you so much, Jane, but you're a liar, you never cared about me."

The tears that have gathered in my eyes stream down my cheeks and fall onto my tie. "That's not true, I do care about you, how can I prove it to you?" I whisper desperately, I screwed up, forever, he'll never take me back now...

Tom lets go of me and he turns away from me. "Tom, please, I can't live without you, I know I screwed up... I'll spend the rest of my life proving my love for you, all I want is to see you happy..." He shakes his head, still with his back turned to me.

"I'm sorry, tell me what I can do to make it right, give me one more chance, and I won't screw it up, I promise."

I desperately put my hand on his shoulder and wish that he would look at me again, which to my surprise he does. But Tom still isn't ready to forgive me, "I'd love nothing more than to give you another chance, but I can't be with you if every lie that my brother tells you, makes you think that I'm a psychopath."

"I swear on my life I will never believe him again, if you want I will go to him right now and make sure he leaves us alone forever." My proposal causes him to start doubting, "Jane, I want to forgive you so badly..."

"Please do it, you won't regret it, I promise."

After a deep sigh, he nods, "Okay, I'll give you one last chance." "Thank you, Tom, you have no idea how happy you make me." He steps closer and hugs me, when he places a kiss in my hair I feel my heart melt.

"Let's go back to class, we can say that you have started to feel better along the way." "Okay," I agree, gently taking his hand, "After this lesson, I'll make sure Mattheo stays away from us forever." Tom shoots me a smile and together we walk back into the cold dungeons, where everyone stares at us in surprise.

"I feel a lot better now," I tell Snape, and then Tom and I return to our old places as if nothing had happened.

After class I walk to Mattheo, without Tom coming with me, which makes him look at me in surprise, "Jane, what are you doing here? What did Tom do to you after you left?"

"I'd like to talk to you," I say, ignoring his questions. Mattheo nods happily, and walks with me, without saying anything to his friends.

"Mattheo, I want you to leave me alone, forever. You're the reason I'm not happy, over and over again-" "Are you fucking kidding? What has he done now? Did he threaten you again with that Debria of his?" "No, and I won't fall for your lies anymore, so just give up." Mattheo sighs in annoyance, "My lies? Besides, we both know you will talk to me again in a week, don't fool yourself."

"I mean it this time. When will you finally leave me alone?" "I will never leave you alone, as long as there is still a chance of saving you."

"And when will I not be able to be saved?" "Jane, I don't know, when you make an Unbreakable Vow with him or something.." "Then I will." Startled, he grabs my arm and looks at me warningly, "No, you are NOT going to do that." I try to pull away but without success, "Let go of me."

Mattheo doesn't listen and gives me a thousand reasons not to make the Unbreakable Vow with his brother, but I won't change my mind. The only downside is that there was no way Mattheo would let go of me if he knew this.

That's why I whisper, "You're right, I'm not going to do it. Can you please let me go now?" As soon as he does what I ask him I quickly grab his wand, run out of the room and lock the door with a spell.

"JANE, WHAT THE FUCK? LET ME OUT," he shouts, banging hard against the door.

"Sorry, Mattheo, but I can't lose Tom because of you..." He immediately understands what I mean by that and begs me not to, but I walk away anyway... 

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