Chapter 15

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The next day I convinced Tom to come with me to the library at 3:30 PM since it is very close to yesterday's lavatory, but I don't tell him that. Every so often I look at the clock so that I'm not late, I thought he didn't notice but then he suddenly clamps his hand around my wrist.

"What is going on?" "How do you mean? Nothing is going on." He forces me to look at him, it feels like he's staring right into my soul.

"Don't lie to me." Quickly I try to think of a lie, "I- I wanted to buy you a present... Because we've been together for almost three weeks now." He leans closer to me and I automatically move a little further away from him. "Then why are you so nervous?" "I haven't bought it yet because I want it to be a surprise. But I keep wondering if you're going to like it."

He doesn't believe me but doesn't say anything about it and lets go of me again, we continue with our homework and this time I don't dare to look at the clock once.

After what seems like an eternity I look up again, shit, it's a quarter to five. I take a panicky breath, I'm way too late, Pansy has probably already left, but I still got to try.

"I need to go use the lavatory." "Okay." Tom gets up and takes my hand, together we walk to the toilet, when I open the door I don't see anyone, as expected.

But as soon as I close the door Pansy appears behind it, "Where have you been? I would have left ages ago if Mattheo hadn't forced me to wait a whole hour," she whispers so, Tom couldn't hear her. "Tom thought I was acting suspicious because I kept looking at the clock..." "I'm surprised you didn't tell him you got that letter."

"I- I just want to know what Mattheo has to say..." "When do you think you can get away from Tom?"

We move away from the door so we don't have to whisper anymore. "I don't know... He won't leave me alone, not even for a second, the first time I've been alone in weeks was when I went with Lucas, a Hufflepuff, to his room yesterday."

Pansy nods while thinking deeply, "Okay, that sucks... Could you come up with a reason? In the worst case, Mattheo's Polyjuice plan continues...." I look at her confused. "Polyjuice plan?"

"He's making a Polyjuice drink, he already has the hair of several people, including me and Snape..." "Snape?" "Yes, Mattheo was busy every minute of every day planning to meet you, if Snape asks you to talk to him, Tom can hardly force him to go with you. I just thought it would be a better idea if you knew this beforehand because I don't think you would believe Snape if he told you he was Mattheo..."

She says, laughing and I smile a little too when I think about how much effort Mattheo went to for me, how could he get a hair off Snape?

"He's going to be so happy when he hears you've come, Jane, he really cares about you," says Pansy, now serious again. "I know, Pansy... But I don't know if talking to him changes anything, I really love Tom."

"I know... But I'm glad you're giving Mattheo a chance..." "Jane? What's taking so long?" "Shit..." I whisper startled when I hear Tom, "I'm almost done." Then I look at Pansy again and continue: "I have to go, when will we see each other again?"

"I will tell Mattheo that you want to meet him, probably "Snape" will come to you for a "chat" tomorrow." I nod and give her a quick hug, "I miss you, Pansy, after that snakebite I wanted to go to you guys but Tom said you didn't want to see me-"

"Your manipulative boyfriend, who doesn't want you to hang out with us, came to and suddenly we didn't care that you were alive, that's very convenient for him, don't you think?"

"He is not manipulative..."

Pansy sighs, "You really don't see it, do you?" "Jane, what are you doing in there?" Tom sounds sore as if he is about to throw open the door, Pansy quickly jumps into a toilet cubicle so that he cannot see her in case the door opens.

I quickly put on some lip gloss, run to the door and open it. "Sorry-" "What took you so long?" He scans the room to see if anyone is there. "I was-" "Is anyone here?" he asks, turning to me suspiciously. "No, we're the only ones in here."

Tom closes the door behind us and pushes me against the wall, "What were you doing in here?" I swallow nervously and look at him as innocently as possible, "I was putting on lip gloss." He seems to see right through my lie, but there's nothing to indicate I was doing anything else, Tom still walks past the toilet cubicles and looks underneath for someone's shoes, luckily Pansy is standing on a toilet and so he does not spot her.

"From now on, you only go to the bathroom in my room." "What? Are you joking?" "No, Jane. You're not going to decline me, are you? You promised me that you will do everything I ask of you, or do you not love me anymore?" "Of course, I love you, Tom, you are the most important person in my life, I can't live without you-"

"Then you do what I ask of you. From now on you only go to the bathroom in my room." I nod and look down at the floor, "Okay."

"Thank you, my love..." He bends over me and kisses me, "Let's go." Obediently, I let him take my hand and drag me back to the library. Shit, Pansy just overheard our entire conversation, I'm sure she's going to tell Mattheo this in detail...

Manipulative (Tom Riddle fanfic)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ