Her Chapa!?

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March 20th, 2022

Sunday, 5:01 pm

Ray's P.O.V
Warnings: swearing

"God! What is taking her so long in there!" I huff under my breath.

I look down at my watch, it's only been a little less than an hour, and this surgery is predicted to take seven hours at least. I look over to the other side of the room, Bose is talking about their lockers to the new girl. I know that I'm not the most observant person in the world, even though I will never verbally admit it, but I can see Teagan looking down at her watch every few seconds as well. She looks to be even more impatient than I am.

I listen in to Bose's blabbering, but then Teagan interrupts him, "Hey, this place is nice and stuff, but I'm kinda worried about my best friend in there, so..." she trails off, and everyone nods.

I just don't get it though, I might be losing my best sidekick here, but Teagan has only known Chapa for a week. Is there something else going on between them? Everyone walks over and joins me with my pacing. I gaze back over to Teagan; she grabs Miles and pulls him down to her level and they start whispering about something stupid that I could care less about, so I return to pacing around the room for dramatic effect.

"Okay, then do it, I need to make sure that my Sparky is safe!" I hear the new girl scream. Everyone turns around in surprise.

HER sparky?

HER sparky?

A weird feeling in my chest forms, there is definatly something else going on between the two. I snap back to reality to see Miles in Bose's chair and Teagan right in front of him, getting in his face. The boy opens his mouth to argue, but then she gives him her death stare and he immediately shut his eyes.

Miles scrunches his face and opens his eyes again "Sorry I-"

"CAN'T YOU MAKE ONE FUCKING VISSON?" she screams in his face.

I sprint over; I don't want another patent for Schwoz to deal with.

I split up the two, "Hey, this is not how Miles' powers work, okay?" Teagan sulks back in her wheelchair and glares at me, "I'm actually going to do something that works, and go see the man-cams, if anyone else want to come, can come." I say as I walk out of the room, and I hear everyone follow behind me.

Once we pass through the intricate hallways everyone crowds into the small room lined with hundreds of screens, each displaying a different room or hallway. I scan each one, trying to find the operating room and the I.W.

After a few seconds of searching, I find it and point to it, and everyone crowds around the small screens, but then a few seconds later everyone's smiles fade.

Both the screens are black.


Schwoz was smart.

The scientist must have disabled the cameras before the big operation.

"WHAT THE HELL! I'M GONNA MURDER THAT MAN!" Teagan screamed as she shifted her weight in her chair and pulled out a big bunch of red rope.

Everyone jumps back from the threat, including me.

"Okay..." Mika grabs the rope out of the other girl's hands "How about we just put that over there." she says as she places the rope on the table across the small room.

"Yeah... why do you have Chapa's rope?" Miles asks suspiciously,

"None Ya business. Can't I just hold a rope for a friend once? Who knows, maybe she gave it to me, maybe I stole it, you will never know. Maybe I got it just in case Schwoz screws up. But again, ITS NONE OF YOUR FUCKING BUSINESS!" Teagan rants.

"Wait WHAT! Chapa has a ROPE on her?" I yell.

"Well not anymore asshole!" Teagan yells.

Bose cuts in, "Wait! I just don't get it." I nod agreeing, "What are you going to do with a rope? It is not the best kind of weapon out there, you know." The dumb one adds.

"There are many things you can do with a rope!" Teagan yells again. One of the teams famous bickering sessions sprouts up.

"OKAY, OKAY, ALRIGHT!" I finally scream, "I think we are getting a mini-Chapa here." I whisper to Mika.

"MINI CHAPA! I am only two inches shorter than her! Who Ya calling mini?"

I let out a heavy sigh and motion everyone out of the room and to go back to the man's nest. Everyone shuffles out of the security room, but Teagan goes the opposite direction.

"Teagan, the doors over here." Bose says.

What the hell is she doing?

"I need to grab my rope." she says flatly, reaching for the tangle. I see her hands grasp it and put it on her lap. I walk over to the handles on the back of her wheelchair, turn her around, and push her down the hall, aimed to hit the others. I chuckle as she plows into everyone, causing them all to tumble down to the floor in a huge, tangled mess.

Hey everyone!
Yes, I like to torture you guys, but by tomorrow morning you guys will get a hint (I hope lol)
Fun fact:
This whole bit of Chapa getting her surgery done took me 3 months

Stay safe and strong,

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