Chapter 1

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Today I am about to move. Due to this wedding ceremony of my uncle, I had to raincheck my shift. But now I certainly am about to move. I'm shifting to Bombay today, for my higher studies. I am finally getting this liberal feeling. As if I'm free to live a kind of life I wanted for myself. The kind of interior I wanted to have for my house. My mother wanted to come with me, but she decided to stay here for my uncle's post wedding ceremony. I explained her that she may come once I'm on my vacations. My bags are packed, and the moment I was leaving my house for the flight, a recognizable voice followed me, " Aashvi, have this, 'dahi cheeni' , don't forget our rituals, you are leaving for such an auspicious deed"

Ofcource, she is definitely a typical Indian mother!

However, I left for the airport. I was planning on to everything I would do once I'm all independent while I'll be there in Mumbai all alone. I decided the interior, the wardrobe collection I'll have, the kind of kitchen I'll setup and stuffs during the journey from my house to the airport. Once I reached there, I was taking out my belongings from the car, but the bags were way too heavy for me to take them out all alone, the moment I was about to fall, a hand suddenly came to my waist and saved me from falling on this concrete cement and breaking my backbone. I definitely am not planning on to have a glossy tiles for my flooring, I don't want to slip everyday exactly the same way I was about to slipped today.

My eyes fell on this beautifully structured guy who was so close to me that I could barely breathe. He helped me to stable myself and also took my bags out of the car, though there was only a single suitcase left. While he was helping me, the only thing I was able to notice was how perfectly this man was sculpted by the grace of god. The exact composition of stiffness and casualness. He is so gorgeous.

No wait, gorgeous would be an insult, this person is beautiful.

He is wearing a Valentino shirt, casually people cannot afford it. He has a Rolex watch on his hand, he must be a hotshot. His shirt fits him perfectly but are a bit tightened around his biceps, and he has a laptop back hanging on one side of his arms.

He waves at me, as if he noticed I was day dreaming, "Hey, myself Karthik." Damn, this person has a voice! His voice was bold, confident and apparently, his voice traveled straight from my ears to my toes, its bad, voices should stop at ears, it should not make you feel the way its making me feel. It traveled as smooth as butter, tickling me in my stomach. " Hi, myself Aashvi, thank you for helping me" aarghh ! I hate my voice, its so feeble it hardly would have reached his ears, much less likely to reverberate into his body, much less likely to tickle him.

He smirked, as if he knows what his presence is doing to me. He scanned me, as if he wants to rip apart every single cloth I have on my body, not because he is lusty, but because he wants to change the way I look, I certainly am wearing my pajamas and a t-shirt, while my hair is tied in a bun, with my spectacles on. I hate how scant confidence I have in front of this person right now. After a few seconds, he asked, "you need any kind of help with your luggage?"

I couldn't help but notice how perfectly his lips shaped while he said those words. I badly want him to help me with the luggage, but just because how insecure I feel cause of this looks and outfit I have, I thanked him for offering help, and said that I'll manage. He passed a smile and took few steps back facing me, then turned around and went. I took a deep breath, somewhat relieved that I don't need to feel the way I feel anymore. But I hate that he is gone, and I hate that I'm hating he is gone, only if that made any sense.

However, I made my way to the boarding section. After the announcement, I boarded the plane, after arranging my luggage, I went to use the loo. "This day, it sucks!" I had no idea I wasn't whispering these words, as soon as I opened the door, "Guess you regret meeting me then." Karthik looked a bit puzzled, but why would he? I should be puzzled, after figuring it out that I am travelling with him, after whatever happened, not talking about him helping me, the things happened within me the moment I led eyes on him, I just can't imagine I have to travel this 2 hours of flight breathless, cause he leaves me that way, and now he is so close to me that I can feel his breaths tickling me through every ounce of my skin, wanting to stay there as long as this flight permits, he can see that in my eyes, he can see the passion, the desperation I have towards him, desperate to have my eyes on him, day in and day out, but why just the day? I can see him the whole night, I can admire him every second of a day, and just because he saw it, he is again waving his hand, just to grab my attention back, "Well, am I not supposed to expect any answer?" His words came with an interest, with an amusement that shivered the hell out of me, because those words made me realise the fact that he knows what he does to me, it was just a tinge of doubt back then, and now that its confirmed, I can't bolster up myself to face him anymore, after gathering all the guts I ever had, I faced him, and with a hell lot of nervousness, I frowned and said, "Its not the way you think" damn it! I shouldn't have said that! Think Aashvi, think before you speak! There was a 2 minutes of silence between us, and during all those silence, we talked a lot, he smirked, I regrated my words, and his eyes could pass a lot of words which he wants to say, or maybe its me who's thinking these things "I request all of the passengers to have their seats, we are about to take off" This announcement was just as much reliving as much as I hated it. The very fact that this hate would do me no better, I walked away, Jesus, the way I walked away from him, the moment I could not feel his warmth and comforting breaths on me, this was the worst that could happen today, I returned to my seat and put on the seat belt, trying to sleep and forget everything that happened today, but its true that the more you try to forget something, rather someone, the more their memories hits back. I felt that.

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