"I got people falling like flies out here, I need a Corpsman!"

"Hey pass me some 6.8," One of the marines asked, the person being asked getting out her Ammunition Bag and getting a small package of 6.8 over. "Here you go," the Marine takes it and takes out his used mag and starts loading it back up. Once he is done, and he still has some to spare, he passes it over.

"Share the wealth, we're going to need it." Micheal just gets his grenade pouch open and loads a new 40mm into his M320.

Suddenly the map began to come up, although it was sparse and pretty fried in terms of quality. "The hell...?" Micheal questioned, turning to the other Marines, "is your Map like that as well?" The 4 began to tap their goggles and get the Mini-map up, shrugging.


"The area in conflict seems to have the worst quality, which is near the downed bird, all the way leading to the Ocean, that's concerning..." The L A T marine commented, ensuring that her M919s are ready to go. These bunker-busting/HEAT Rocket hybrid was given to them just incase a real threat is seen out here.

All of the Heavy Anti-Tank kits were in the other Defiant, which is in a state of uncertainty.

Micheals tapped his communicator, "This is Scorpion 1-2-Bravo Actual, I need to know how the rest of the squad is going."

A chirp and a few voices come in, "This is Scorpion 1-1 Squad Actual, I am here Micheal."

"Scorpion 1-3 Charlie Actual, what do you need?"

"Scorpion 1-4 Delta Actual, howdy."

He waited patiently for another person, Scorpion 1-5 Echo. "Scorpion 1-5 Echo Actual, are you here?"

Silence. That wasn't good, "Scorpion 1-5 Actual, this is Squad Actual, report in."

"Shit..." the silence persisted for 2 minutes, forcing the Squad Leader to sigh, Smokton coming over the ready, "Scorpion 1-3 Charlie can you investigate? Echo was closest in your sector vicinity."

"I'm on it Ma'am," the communicator cut, Micheal then turning to face his team, "Let's go, how about we don't keep-" Something zipped by his head, his adrenaline spiking while he turned and quickly faced the rough direction. The 2nd Lieutenant eye's widened seeing them.

It looked like a trio, 2 of them looking like jellyfish heads and octopus bodies, another looked like some sort of bellflower with its opening tightened. Their bodies a deep dark color, with the hands, and what looks like tentacles making up the structure of their head wrapping around said feature.

They only generated a strange, alien like grumbling that made the marines back up towards the structure. The weird bellflower looking creature made a gesture, which shot at one of the marines. The furthest one from the group got hit.

And it was horrifying.

The marine let out an incredible cry of pain, falling to the ground rapidly. "Oh shit!" One of the riflemen went over to him, "H-Hey you alright?!" The downed marine's eyes and mouth were moving, but the rest of his body wasn't.

"C-can't move, I can't move!" Gunfire and Grenade Launcher thumps began to ring, the Marine being turned over to his back. With what seemed like all he had in him, he screamed, "CORPSMAN! CORPSMAN!" The rifleman tried to silence him, "Sh-shush man!"

"CORPSMAN, I NEED A CORPSMAN!" Micheal turned to the other marine, "Shut him, we're going to be drawing attention like this!" The L A T Soldier began to reach backwards, but her hand brushed the structure, hitting something.

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