"Give it to me straight, you guys are a pharmaceutical company right?" Daniels questioned, Ch'en and Swire still talking, with the latter trying to crack things up, just to make light of the situation.

"Yes, but we can't do everything..." Silence sighed as she looks over, "At the current rate, she'll be back up and going in... 2 months."

"2 months... and she's a Lieutenant in the LGD?"

"Correct, but this is the best we could do for her, whatever chemicals that came out of the 'Scimitar' and that 'IED' exploding is doing a number on her body." Silence pulled up some papers and showed it to Daniel, whose eyebrow raised. "We don't know what half of what is affecting her."

"We actually have facilities to detoxify and help her, we have soldiers back home that had to deal with the fumes and toxins from those vehicles exploding." Ch'en and Swire stop their talking and looked at him, well the former swerving really.

"You do...?" Swire tiredly asked, some sort of hope within her eyes. A hope that was briefly snuffed as Daniel began to clarify.

"Problem is... the only way we can actually treat her is 2 options," he sighs, and starts counting down, "1. We wait for the next United Nations Medical Corp supply run to happen, which is in about..." he checks his watch, "A few months at best due to how bad Bureaucracy is in the UN as well as the mountain of red tape..."

That timeline was immensely uncomfortable for them, and for Swire who seemed a little angry. "Or..." Daniel began, lifting his watch again, and he seemed to have run a calculation in his head.

"We can try and get you all the way to Chicago, or Houston, or hell Atlantic City. It's worth a shot at this point, right?"

Silence, except for the machines. Those names were completely unfamiliar to them. Silence looked at Daniels curiously, setting her papers under her arm. Swire began to think, tightly on those names, as though she was wondering what each one meant.

Ch'en tilted her head and had her mouth slightly opened, "And... are these bases of yours?"

Daniel shook his head, "No, American Core Cities. They are not bases, Madam Ch'en."

And that's when it hits them in full, Swire's eyes widening, a gambit of thoughts going through her mind. Although collectively they all knew what he meant by that."

We... have to head to the United States itself...?

"I-I HIGHLY advise against that!" Silence protested, "We don't even know what Earth is like, we don't know your norms, your life style, hell if even the treatment is going to..." she trailed off, seeing Swire raise her right arm, her one good arm. She wanted to speak.

"...if its able to truly help me..." Swire began, "Then bring me." Her eyes brimmed with something, something that was foreign of her usual character.

Ch'en looked at the Tigress, eyes wide as she began to sit up, although wincing in pain. She looked at Daniel and Silence, who were going wide eyed at Swire's decision.

"Deliver me to the United States."

At the request - said with such conviction and confidence, Daniels hummed, before pulling up a tablet and smiling reassuringly at the 3, "I'll see what I can do."

Pvt. Carmen Ramirez

"So what should we be expecting at this little joint?" Carmen lazily asked, somewhere ahead of the group near Lappland. Ace from somewhere behind her and Lappland laughed.

"Only some of the best Rhodes Island can hire." Ace reassured, Blaze nodding in agreement, raising her finger, "And a damn good place to forget things, like the type of shit that just happened in that meeting."

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